Well, that was a long read for me, what with that g.d. phone ringing all the time, but well worth it. The two articles, one looking forward and really one looking back…very interesting and a lot to digest. For those who haven’t poked around the periphery of this site it might be pertinent to point out that Cort Gion left Hawaii and went to…well…it’s in there if you want to find it. He didn’t go back to California…
As to the Futurist and his take on things…
Well, be of good cheer, because immediately behind them, about to emerge from the high schools, are the first of the generation, born in the 1980s and 90s. which will rival the Boomers for dominance over the first half of the 21st Century. These are often called the “Millennials”, and they are super educated, super obedient, super hardworking superkids. And they are “only” children. The single, pampered off-spring of two hardworking parents. Each child goes to Punahou, has her own nanny, her own violin teacher, her own soccer coach, her own Mandarian Chinese instructor. The Millennials have always been under adult supervision. They have always played by the rules–and they believe there are, and always will be, rules to play by, coaches to teach them, and referees to enforce them. So don’t fret about the GenXers. Hang in there for the Millenials, soon to come.
This statement is a bit parochial, and I think his take that they are all “only” children is flat wrong, but his take on them on the whole is horrifyingly right. No they don’t all go to private schools, and there are usually 2-3 kids in the families. Their Boomer and end-of-boom parents usually want the whole package: 2 kids and a dog. There is a revolting fad at least in California right now of putting stickers on the back of the SUV denoting the family demographics: A Daddy sticker, a Mommy sticker, a properly sized sticker for each spawn, and stickers for the dogs too. They are folk arty stick figures. The one for little Bobby even shows him in his soccer uniform.
What’s next? Dollar signs, I guess.
The self-centeredness and…what would you call it? Smugness is the word that comes to mind, but that implies some sense of awareness, which is sadly absent in this whole scenario. It’s like the under-18 surf kid who is a complete agressive asshole in the water and junior ripoff artist on the beach, all because he knows he has extra protection under the law while he is a minor. This never ceases to make me laugh. If an adult hits someone under 18 he will get more serious consequences, but that’s after the fact…the kid will already have his well deserved broken nose.
So this well-trained consumer gets out into the marketplace (I guess I should face it - this already is the surf industry marketplace) and wants what it wants right freaking now and cares only about itself…gets into the workplace and does it the way it wants to reagardless of anything up to and including reality…saying the surfie versions of “We’re here and we’re queer”…and one day you notice most vehicles have surfboards on the roof racks nose forward, and the boards are Surftechs, and a wetsuit that lasts only one year for $215 is seen as the price you pay for progress…
It’s going to be their world much sooner rather than later because they have insane consumption “habits”, and money talks…good for business…buy a cheap Chinese import board and you want another one 3 months later…magazines say “must build a quiver to be core”…good for business good for business good for business…
Screw it…maybe global warming will be a good thing…