I’ve got a good chunk of this data indexing project done with some problems…
I’ve run out of stuff to link to expecially big important posts on Sways.
At this point I need 8 more “significant” posts from sways archive or not to finish out the Greatest hits section.
I also need two more links for the epoxy section
Finally those links you can’t get to come up are because those links actually call up data files such as word documents PDF files and movies that are not on the web and wil be burned and included on a CD version of the project. If this truly ends up a web-based project then I’ll need something else to place on those pages than those links to datafiles I have in my possession.
So please start listing them…
I believe this will eventually have to be a double faced project
one for John Q. Public (the swayholic) and one to add to my “Oneula Goodie Bag Bin” with all the special add-ons.
Anyway your help especially identifying those all time sways posts, you know the ones with double digits pages would be greatly appreciated so I can finish this and get back to my regular life.
Some folks here had a special preview but for the rest who have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the link to my half finished project I’ll dedicate to Mike and the crew here as a going away gift. I kind os feel I’m pulling my pants down in public here but here it goes for all its glory… Mahalo in advance…
Not quite what you asked for but there was a topic on what music people listen to for shaping or getting amped for the surf so how about having a random changing selection of these tunes as background music.
The thread is basically one exhaustive paragraph on the vac bag process by Mr.J, with a few brief replies. The primary paragraph could use some editing - mainly just a few breaks to make it more readable - but the description is accurate and detailed. This was Nov. '03…
This was good too, Sabs’ first boards and Bert’s response with a lot of info on the perimeter stringers:
I learned a ton about composites from a thread that began as a discussion of the differences between S & E glass. All the heavy hitters chimed in, Bert, Wildy, Greg, Keith, Dale, Cleanlines, jTroy, Kenz, Paul, Blakestah, craftee…all in just 2 pages. Fantastic signal/static ratio in that one. It led eventually to a quite comprehensive FRP discussion…
yeah I think I’ll add mrJ’s thread in the epoxy/sando section along with the balsa sando skin discussion to fill that sectionup unless something better comes up
and I’ll list Carl’s thread on the page I have dedicated to flexspoons
Still need alot more to fill out the generic-link public version for the last section inplace of where I’m stuffing alot of my video clips(for friends) I can’t host on the web.
But it’s getting there…
A little more time this week is all I’m willing to spend on this then I’m out of here.
Like Bert my world just got very very complicated with 12 major work projects sitting infront of me unfinished.
Back to real life I guess…
Hey Bert…
I’m really really glad with what’s happening for you guys all of you, but as you can see life does get a bit more hectic with success…
Seriously land locked, but we have rivers for a bit of a strange surf and lakes with wind for kite boarding. And I’m getting to Socal once a year. Not the best way to learn to surf, but I’m having fun. The great salt lake is kind of nasty to play in. Hurts the eyes and is really tough on the skin and gear, and with the salt content will acually get below freezing… like right now. BURRRRR.
now you, paul and Herb/Mark will have their own page
Now if I could just find a classic cleanlines post
and if someone would just archive all of ambroses’s prose into a single document…
and there were some old guys that don’t come around anymore too from the old days…
Started to look into the Ambrose Curry prose item and realized that I’m not completely sure what you are looking for. In this case it sounds like you want the full text, not just links? Is there any “magic” within the Sways searches to filter for posts by a single user? I was searching swaylocks.com from google advanced search for “ambrose”, then searching swaylock’s for a key phrase shown in the summary (because some of the links from google dead-end when followed). That works, but it would take some time done that way. I do think that it would be appropriate to begin that section with “The Difference Between a Teacher and a Guru” thread started by Dale S:
Some folks here had a special preview but for the rest who have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the link to my half finished project I’ll dedicate to Mike and the crew here as a going away gift.