The greatest build threads and board builds

Howzit all,

I was hoping we could start a thread filled with all the greatest build threads in swaylocks history.  Sure I could just search "build thread," but I can never get enough of seeing the time and effort everyone puts into their/their client's boards. 

From the archive or from yesterday, any thread with build info and pics, from foam block to ride report, backyard or shaping room, even fin build threads would be fine. 

My personal vote is for the Project Frog build, since that is thread that opened me up to this world of swaylocks, and it was a little humorous.  I suppose we should add links to these threads as well.

Wood Ogre's hollow wood fish with attitude

and Balsa's Tweener Pipeliner build thread  has my vote's


Vacumn Forming & Sandwich Construction... By Bert_Burger... Epic how to for those who are looking into sandwhich construction. 


How I ProBox by afoaf

Great info for all fin installs.

oldy: journey of a quad

I'll second the Bert Burger thread.  He really created a monster with that one!

Bert Burger’s Wooden fins thread - classic.

Some diligent person’s re posted all the pics on page 13.Cheers to you whoever you are.

My take is Greg Tate’s hilarious “Don’t build your own fins”:

Balsa, Mr. Tate’s fin build is up there, All time. Funny Stuff!