The Haven CJ Nelson; Bottom Contours?

Since my midlength adaption of the CJ Nelson’s Colapintail, my Corkopintail, was a complete success, I’m thinking about a new HWS, based on the “Haven” longboard.

Anybody there, who can pass me some info on the bottom contours?

Obviously a great front concave, but how is the tail? 

I would guess flat, or a slight vee, some double concaves?, or more belly bottom like, sharp rails in the tail???

Some info would be nice, a ride report is highly appreciated too.

Pics show my “Corkopintail” 8’0

The cork works well, no need to wax anymore. I vaccuumed it onto the balsa HWS. Two spots did not bond well, maybe a lack of epoxy, but it will be repaired easily, in the leash area I will reinforce the cork with epoxy too.



Primarily a double to what some call a “triple” due to the tucked under and harderen S rail in the last 10” of the tail.

Thank you very much! Looks that this is more or less the same I expected. Harder Rails, Double Concave (I will design it as a slight vee too; which will be difficult enough to realize as a hollow balsa board)
I will set the tail rocker to almost 3 inches, the front to 4. This is what I guess out of the sideviews and the description.
By now, it is only a project and I’m right in the beginning, if I’m going to build it, it will be summer until its ready. Thinking about a cork deck too, but it will not be wrapped around the entire rail like the “Corkopintail”.
The most interesting question is, whether I will ever be able at least to hang a cheater five. A nice hang ten is more a phantasy, but at least the board should be able to, not necessrily me… :slight_smile:

Regarding Rocker, after studying some other noserider  shapes and the Haven’s Pics, 3’’ for Tail and 4’’ Front are under discussion; would you more or less reverse the numbers?

4’’ Tail Rocker would radically increase turning capacities and since it should “turn on a dime”, it may be appropriate.  3’’ Front is a common measure for noseriders and the it looks to me, that the flatter, the better, maybe even go for less,… ?