Thanks, Grant !
I hadn’t thought of the ‘skin’ scraping’ option…
Do you think I’ve got enough skin covering me to be able to afford to have a bit taken off , though ?
Thanks, Grant !
I hadn’t thought of the ‘skin’ scraping’ option…
Do you think I’ve got enough skin covering me to be able to afford to have a bit taken off , though ?
The word circumcision comes to mind…
he he he he.
OUCH !!!
[Glad YOU’RE not my doctor, Grant … It’s not THAT kind of itch [ thankfully ! ]
… dear Lord, WHAT have I started ?!
[I’m going off to edit my old posts now… I hope it’s not too LATE !!]
I thought I had the same thing went to the doctor and it turned out i just had a bad case of crabs
on your wrists ???
Okay , on second thoughts, don’t answer that…I’ve got more than enough detail, already !
about 20 yrs ago i used epoxy nearly every day for a year and after about 9 months i got rashes mostly on my wrists, behind the ears and on my testicles. The Dr said the testicles were contaminated because i didn’t wash my hands before urinating as was common for some occupations including chimney sweeps (Ha! thats a memory flashback) As i recall, the rash was like a mild case of poision ivy, small red patches of shiny bumps, clustered in groups of 3 to 30 bumps covering a square inch or two, itched tremendously, lasted a week or more, but did not burst open or weep.
PM me your address and your glove size and I’ll send you a couple boxes of powderless nitrile gloves…
they’re what I use and I love’em… they don’ hold up too well to excessive soaking in acetone but I like ’ em better than latex…
thanks guys !!
well, after glassing on Australia day, wearing long gloves , and a long sleeved shirt [HOT!!], and acetoning the squeegee…
Yep, you guessed it !! [soup, your desription sums it up , pretty much !]
So…it’s gloves. And / or acetone . Or the combination of both.
question is : -
what to use instead of acetone to clean squeegees and brushes of resin ?
thanks , all help MUCH appreciated !
zo, thanks very much for the offer…won’t that be a bit expensive though ??? [I could try here first]
HI Chipfish
I use washing powder. Rins your brush off with acetone with out touching it. Fick it as to get most the acetone out. By the time you have gotten to the station where you will use the washing powder the acertone would have evaporated. Sprincle some washing powder on the brush and work it into the brissles under some warm water. Then rins with hot water. Your brush will be like it’s never been used. I use the same method with my squeegee only I skip the acetone stage. I have used the same brush on the last 5 boards I used to only be able to use it on 1-2. Also my hands dont go funny from the acetone anymore. I used to use long sleeve cloths for sanding but I find it better useing shortsleve T-shirts and Shorts.