I have , in the last month or so , broken out in a painful rash on both wrists. Inside and on the back of each wrist. It won’t go away.
It has become worse in the last two weeks or so.
Strangely, this is how long since I last fibreglassed.
I did a search on ’ itch’ first, then one on allergies.
I have not used epoxy resin … yet.
Hicksy uses the stuff, though. I do my glassing and stuff at his place.
I am just wondering if it is possible if I am one of the unlucky ones who is allergic to even ‘airborne’ epoxy ? [ as I haven’t touched any of the West Systems stuff Grant uses. ]
Is this what the term ‘sensitised’ really means…so oversensensitive to a substance that you break out in red painful rashes , as a result of even going within a certain distance of it ?
I really want to do epoxy boards. I really will cover myself from head to toe if this IS the case.
Are there any creams or lotions [or ?injections/ antibodies / dietary supplements?] that will reduce / eliminate this, or is it as Bert said, “susceptible blood types” who cop it hard ?
And I wonder why I have had this outbreak two to three weeks AFTER any fibreglassing contact ?
thank you for any help…I’ve never had ANYTHING like this before, in all the years I’ve been using polyester resin, fixing dings, making boards, and fins, grinding and sanding fins…
p.s. - a search under ‘itch’ yielded something like 920 entries/ 39 pages of stuff, but a quick flick through a few pages revealed some were only ‘I’m itching to make my next board’ type threads !