The "magic towel"

If you are at all interested in getting into mat surfing or are a newbie to it (like me), check out this FAQ page from the Inflate-able-dream site. Great information from Dale and other experienced guys. Thanks Peter and Dale! - ryan http://

If that does’nt work try the main site, and check the FAQ.

For future reference… we`re building another MSN mat surfing web community called “Magic Towel”, which should be good-to-go very soon. Better than ever before! All credit and special thanks to Peter Waitkun, hardcore surfer from Maine. Dale

Mr. Solomonson- do you actually make anything yourself? Some people have been saying your mats are just mass-produced imports made by cheap overseas labor. The truth?

You are kidding I hope…

The truth is that Dale is usually found in his stretch limo that his chauffer drives him around in…Dale contracts with slave labor Icelandic prisoners to make his mats…I know this to be true, he told me this while he was talking to me on his emerald covered cell phone and smoking a fat cuban cigar…Let the truth set you free…

Mr. Fred W., “Some people” have been saying what??? Hmmm… Oh yeah, the scandalous rumors you heard about me are all sadly true. Im just a greedy capitalist, a lazy corporate importer pimp: I sweep the floor and take out the garbage. Im responsible for the paperwork, packaging and shipments. The materials I purchase are all manufactured in the U.S.A., the finest of their kind in the world. I design, build and modify all my equipment and fabrication methods by myself. I personally answer all correspondence. I design and construct each surfmat from start to finish. Im often slow. How To, Why Not, What If, When Do, Where Else and Whatever are my close friends. Because of them, Im usually up late into the night and awake early in the morning. Im a cult member of the George Greenough School of Brainwashing, and among other surfcraft, Ive been creating custom, performance-oriented surfmats for 30 years. I sincerely love my work, and really enjoy dealing with other surfers from around the world. If theres a problem, I know whos to blame every time. The truth? I`m a self-employed, low volume, high quality, craftsman-exporter of custom surfmats made by cheap stateside labor… ME.

Hi Dale, That is beautifully expressed. I spend my creative time in a mode similar to yours, thus I’m compelled to respond with an intertidal echo. I bought my towel at the same distributor as you did. I’ve been drying myself with for years. I’ve had to tear a few pieces off it for other purposes; one to wash with, and one to sleep under and final shred I hope will not go so tattered that it will loose its magic that I take with me for my surf sessions. It’s the corner of it that says, “Keep the Aloha spirit!” Gooo-on-ya, Rich

And we sincerely love you for all of those dedicated years of focused concentration. The results speak for themselves, and anybody that dosen’t believe that, hasn’t been paying attention, and certainly hasn’t ever seen one of your fine custom surf mats. Thanks again for taking the time to make the one that I ordered for my father for Christmas. He loves it, and I love it, and everybody around here that has seen it, has been blown away my the meticulous attention to detail. Keep up the fine, fine work Mr Solomonson. To bad there aren’t more craftsman around of your caliber … have fun

Fred to be aware of Dales secret details u must eminate from Taiwan would I be correct?

Do I have your attenion Fred, GET REAL!!!

I bought one of Dale’s mats and the entire experience, from initial contact to the delivery of the final product was very professional. A finer, more personalized product of any kind would be hard to find anywhere and he is always there to answer any questions. I consider my 295 bucks to have been well spent.