The "pics of 2+1 setups thread". Pics, or info please, longboards, short, mid etc.

Im starting a thread for 2+1 fin setup’s. Searching 2+1 in the archives doesnt really bring up much. I’ve been riding my 7’10’’ a lot lately, and really like the setup in it, which is a 7’’ flexy centre fin, and shapers australia SB sidebites.


I have some occy fins that im going to try with an old thruster fin that fits in a LB box.

Im keen to see/hear what size/brand/shape fins everyone uses for their 2+1’s. Any sort of 2+1, short egg, midlength, longboard etc.

Thinking of getting a 6.5’’ centre fin, and using the occ sides with that, to add some manouverability, though im happy with how it goes with the first setup.
