the Pretender 7-10

I see a bump. I see a bump.


love it boss.
im about to post some picks in #oldmandoesalright that will blow your chops off.

I am back…
I endeavored to pass on my experience in the “no nose”.
For me it is all about balance, the balance of mass.
Procter appears to be headed down the same road!

It becomes critical to have some weight in the nose, otherwise,
As I tried to explain (poorly)
“What I know is…
Somewhere way back when, Velzy was still ditching’ the IRS.
And surfaced with some rad shit…
The “needle nose” caught my eye.
Made a 7 something “carrot model” complete with an orange (Greeno) flex tail about 6" long.
Surfed it at Malibu 'bout 3-4. 1st wave drop in get to the bottom and set up the turn.
The board just pivoted rather than the smooth arch I was expecting.
I continued, only way to ride it was really extending and following (in slow motion) my left hand.”

Never mind the flex tail, the thing surfed like it was 5 foot long.

And as I have said
“I will reserve judgement”
Although viva the revolution!!!
I got on the Velzy horse today, and dug up some photo’s…
What I mean is…
This is a road
my solution (photo’s of the “Hulk”)
Note these rare Velzy shots, in 1999 Dale took his “bump” and “needle nose” to extremes!
Are we not just now getting into fins like those?
I marvel at Velzy’s work!
My best 2 U…

OK I’ll take the bait - I do appreciate the input to my thread, and I respect your experience, but in all honesty I’m just not sure what the message is. Are you saying I should add weight to the nose? Or add foam to the nose?

Your “carrot board” was a dud, all pivot no drive, you didn’t like the way it surfed and gave it away, and this board reminds you of the carrot board. And of those Velzy triangular shaped boards you posted.

I get that. And I’m probably missing something obvious, but I’m just not sure what you would have me do with that info.

my opinion,
it is too late now!
you are on the edge of it alright.
Only, those braver than I, can carry the colors onward…
It’ll be the ride,
as always!

well, build threads are always fun to pick apart, aren’t they, haha. “too late” = trash it now its already ruined!

Shoot, I just build what I think I would like to surf, so if it doesn’t work for anyone else I guess that’s still OK if it works for me, and I won’t know til I get there, and if it doesn’t I still have plenty of other boards that do.

I’m no Velzy but those Velzy triangle boards you posted look like a joke to me, just sayin’.

And my template curve looks fine to me 2 foot back, but hey it never hurts to look again.

And the thickness and everything else will be based on what works for me and what I’ve learned over the past 24 boards I’ve designed and built for myself, and I claim no expertise on anything, I’m just a student of the craft.

If someone has some help on fin suggestions or fin layout or anything else that might improve my board that would be awesome.

I’m not looking or asking for anyone to approve my design or critique my design, but I listen to everything, take what I can use, and don’t worry too much about what I can’t use. And just otherwise keep posting up my progress for those interested in the process of my amateur build.

So, you think the Velzy triangle board is a joke, eh? Well Mr. Knowitall, YOU’RE RIGHT ! That thing is a spinout special. Even worse than his 1958/59 ‘‘BUMP.’’ Stay on the path you’re on. You’ll get where you want to go. Subject board has less nose than I like, but that’s just me. And I’d like a little wider sq tail, but again that’s just me. Overall, the board has good clean eye appeal.

Eh Brother,
You had already cut her out by the time I got to see her.
The Pretender, I mean.
Honestly, my first reaction was, oh shit!
I started snipping at you, think you caught my thought.
And cut “her” down and come up with a workable solution.
NOT a waste of foam!
Shit, BT likes her shape!
Note, Bill is not a Velzy belly guy, rather one from Pat Curren’s.
Please don’t mind dinosaurs chiming in!
This shape “narrow” nose is close to my heart, as I believe, we seem to remember
our failures more so, than the success’s.
I respect the innovators (after Simmons).
I’ll admit, for myself, the guys that jump out;
All of which were relentless in pushing the limits.
I wish I could express myself clearly; you have to read between the lines with me.
As, I am cursed with a techno mind.
To put it bluntly….
Simply a failure to communicate.
You are close to the limits, I am hopeful for the Pretender to be a
performer, a milestone and the pride of your labors.
Never say die, kick down the fuckin’ doors!
I am all in with guys the jump “outside the box”
You are among them…

Huck, that outline really cleaned up nicely. Great job. I can see what you may be after. The first iteration had me wondering. What you have so far seems very workable. I think this one will go good for you if it really turns you on. I’m betting this one may be a ripper for you in use. Can’t wait to see the bottom contours and fin set up. Nice vision.

I’m surprised there would be any question about the template, it seems pretty straightforward to me. Maybe the thinking is that as you make longer and thicker boards the template needs to change accordingly. I have several boards in the 8 foot range, with wider noses, and they work great for me. So this is just an attempt to try something a little different, which is why I intentionally pulled in the nose more than my norm. If it turns out the nose is just too pulled in and I don’t like it, then I’ll probably widen the nose again on my next one.

I have no great expectations for this shape, not being really a ripper, but if it paddles like a champ, and surfs as good down the line point-break style as my other boards, but a little looser, with a minimum of walking the board, I’ll be stoked.

Found this pic of a Robin Mair shape in my archives, I really like this shape - I made no conscious attempt to imitate it specifically cuz I didn’t even remember this pic until I stumbled across it yesterday, but the similarity is there. Don’t know the exact length of the Mair, but if that hand / arm in the rocker pic is attached to a regular sized body, then I’m guessing its probably not far different from my 7-10.

The intended bottom shape at this point is a single concave, starting 1/3 from the nose, deepest just before the fins, and flattening out a bit out the tail (I am open to suggestions on this). Soft down rail through the middle, probably with a little chine edge. Pretty standard stuff I think, although for me this will be the first single concave. I have contacted ProBox to see if they will make a quad fin and fin placement recommendation.

I have that exact picture saved and i think on a thread here. i still have the 6’6" blank in the shed that’s planned for this shape.
Hopefully I’ll get to it one day.

Thats funny - the guy makes some awesome boards and there are several in the Quiver section. I must have had this one in my subconscious somewhere cuz if u look at that pic its even got the deck bumped up at the rail. I’ m almost tempted to throw in the pintail while I’m at it, but not quite.

I shaved a little more on my blank tonight. I prefer to move real slow / gradual at this point, cuz I’m such an amateur and it would be too easy to overshape something and screw it up, and plus I’m still kinda designing the weird deck shape as I go.

So nothing really to show picture-wise, but another big pile of foam got swept up tonight.

A little zone time this afternoon. As I get closer to my final shape I start cleaning and trueing the blank up, with my edges as reference. I use my shaper’s square to check symmetry and a nylon cord with a weight at each end to check contours. Rounding everything will be last. Was watching chook shed videos at work today!

I’m building this board away from home so I don’t have all my tools. Thats one reason I had to make a new shaping stand.

Anyway I’ve gone about as far as I can until i pick up a few more things, foam pad and sanding screen come to mind. Definitely a few tweaks needed.

Time to start thinking about color scheme and printing up my logo

hate to bump this up cuz I realize there is not much interest in the shaping phase of a lowly backyard board, haha, but in the spirit of a true build thread I am keeping it updated as I go.

Nearly ready for glass - still haven’t picked up my soft foam and screen but i had some 220 drywall screen and a sponge core sanding block so I made do with that. Get my other stuff this weekend hopefully.

bump away champion!!!

Huck, thanks for the build thread. I like your design and your shaping. There is no need for you to be sorry. Carry on!

took it to work with me, feels a little disjointed working in a different place, but got lam coat on bottom. Not great but could be worse!


Looking good Huck. What are you thinking for fins?

probably go with 5 plugs, so I would have quad or thruster options, I’m open to suggestions, I always like something kinda drivey for point break surfing.

here are some more pics