the rolled bottom

I have been riding this old 1967 wallace malibu and it has a heavy heavy roll in the bottom and to be fair i can really feel it when you go for the hero cutback and even the bottom turn…i mean this design seems to make it easier to go from rail to rail. They were onto something back then in the late 60’s and sure they pushed it too far, but they had to…i mean that was a day when they tried to find out the boundaries…this heavy roll does have limitations when it comes to knee paddling cas it wobbles around too much…but aside from that I have to recommend a rolled bottom…if for nothing else, then for the experimental learning curve.

Does anyone do a subtle roll these days or is it all concave…and v’s

Surely there has to someone out there going ‘well geez if everyone is doing concave then i am going convex!’ just to be different.


I concur. I have a 10’ Cooperfish Malibu Foil and it is a kick in the pants - it’s pretty roley-poley throughout the whole length - very forgiving, but sometimes I gotta actually grab onto the thing and “rein it in” order to do a quick redirect.

Check 'em out at


Talking of cooper…i have an old cooper single fin shaped by richie west…i never ride it much anymore cas i have other boards i am trying…but it is rad.

I am just checking out the cooperfish website



Same thing on my Cooperfish Nose Devil, a solid roll/belly throughout the board, I love it. My buddy is actually shaping his first longboard as we speak and is trying to put that same belly in his…

There is a pronounced roll/belly on each of my 10 foot Skip Frye’s. If I place a straight edge across the bottom, it measures about 1 3/8" from the straight edge to the rail apex at the deepest part of the hull. The tails are quite flat (slightly veed in front of fin) with hard down rails for speed. From the middle of the board forward, they look very much like a Phil Edwards Hobie. My take is that with all the length, the planing surfaces need not be as efficient as with shortboards. Shortboards I’ve ridden that had rolled bottoms seemed to lack punch in anything less than a steep faced wave.

long and flat gets chatter that becomes airborne slapage as it gets choppier… bottom roll seperates the chop and no slap…throlling rail to rail of the round is refreshing until you wish quick acceleration in a directon change,the mystique basics are a slow lumbering premeditated set-up formula ride…ambrose…roll baby roll…points and reefs yes, quick like a shorebreak nyet

check out for more info on hulled or rolled bottomed boards.also check resources for any boards built by paul gross-he and greg are the hull bottom masters…