The Shapemakers movie

I am pleased to announce the release of my new documentary film about surfboard shapers, titled ‘The Shapemakers’. It features conversations with some of the most influential shapers of our time, including Dick Brewer, Bill Hamilton, OLE, Terry Chung, Dale Velzy, Renny Yater, Tom Morey, Midget Farrelly, Scott Dillon, John Gillis, and Mitchell Rae. There is hot contemporary surfing, as well as some classic archival footage and photos. It has been a facinating project, and it is getting very good reviews. Tom’Y’Morey - “The movie is EXCELLENT. Its mellow, low-key, with nice music, and the artwork is bitchin”. There will be a weeks run at the Art House Theater in Honolulu on August 15,22- 28. Also a showing on Kauai, at The Kilauea Theater, Sunday, August 17. I am hoping to arrange two shows for September, one in Ventura, and one on the Central Coast, at the Palm Theater in San Luis Obispo. Reviews will be coming out in the surf mags soon. I welcome any discussion and questions anyone might have. The on-line video sales are through and a DVD edition will be coming out too. Happy surfing! - Paul Kraus

That’s Terry Chun

Do you have an estimated date for DVD availability?

You can get it right now through They have a great surf forecast service (free) and ever expanding selection of great surf products. Plus, they have told me they will be contributing some stuff for the Swayloholic’s Anonymous raffle. Buy the tape, watch it and check out Mitchell Rae’s new flex tail design!

Oops. You must mean the west coast shapemakers movie.

Thanks - will amend.

Hopefully, in the next 2 months. PK

are the prices quoted in wetsand us dollars or australian dollars does it change country to country

About overseas orders: prices are in US dollars. Wetsand is unable at this time to process overseas orders, so you can order directly from me. Just get an International Money Order, made out in US dollars, to Paul Kraus. Add $5.05 for shipping, total=$35.00(US). Send to; North Pacific Productions, 1250 N Main St. Fort Bragg, Ca. USA 95437. I know all my friends in OZ will like the film, Cheers Mate!