The Stoke Appreciation Society

Hi All,

i felt completely stoked the other day, and it felt so good that i wished every surfer felt like this all the time. So to promote Universal Stokedness i started the Stoke Appriciation Society yesterday :smiley:

You don’t have to do anything to become a member, just be stoked and you’re in it!

i doodled some logo’s so i can make myself some t-shirts, and if you would like to use them for your own, drop me an email so i can send you the .ai or big .jpg file.

spread the stoke!






true surfers hide their stoke and dont wear pastel sweaters.

Eef…I’m in!!..You need to understand that many, if not most California surfers are far more interested in “cool” than stoke. “Lookin Good” is what is most important. Fuck…I am gonna find a pastel sweater ASAP!!! 

Maybe we could take up a collection and donate one of these to Otis. Ambrose, do you have any Pastels for Otis?


lol yes, “true” surfers must be stoic always and conform to what the top surfers wear only


Actually Otis I believe true surfers are individuals and some…even wear pastel sweaters D:

I concur! All Stoke, all the time! …


…West Coast Canada, now new and improved with 40% more Stoke!