O.K. my board...shaped and glassed By little ol' me
Motive / mission…lay down a statement of alternative design manifestd over 36 years unaffiliated * underground shaping with the pore intent of raising the performance potential of the surfboard in all arround conditions and full length (nose ride tail ride trim ride) …this step a logicalprogression to a higher form outside the potential stifling commercial influence on pure fun and design clarity…Lastly the purpose of self gratification to submit to testing by an abridged panel of peers and to see how far arround the world this can go
*no commercial trip commitment to market whim ,to allow pure theory and testing
Format $50 to swaylocks gets 10 days to ride this swaylocks seed
!. 3 go outs aday thats 30 go outs [less than $1,50 a go out
- permission to template
3.permission to mold
4.permission to scan
A. only if credit waylocks and credit shaper
B.any $ derived split gross take 3 ways w/swaylocks and me
1. exemplary care of board
2. 1/2 transit to and from you
3 photo documentationof riding board
4 written essay written in journal on any topic after experiencing 1 good wave on board standing or prone or stages in between
5.adding features to board are limited to fin change and unfourtuitous ding repair that will be recorded signed and dated... other changes can be made to other boards made as points of departure
End Game
after board has circulated the list of concerned the board will be returned to waipouli and board will reside to await use by all swaylock users on their visits to kauai all rental fees will be split with swaylocks forum fund until board is taken out of service and hung on wall…
all swaylocks moderators or those contributors to the swaylocks over and above the $50.00 conceptual mark[ in contributions exceeding the normal call of duty] are automaticly seeded to the lottery
travel with board can be negotiated with governing board to be established after lottery draw at plaskett creek .highestdrawing person present at plaskett creek takes board homefor first stint, Bogarting is ok payable in additional boards or components , value to be deteermined by governing board, to be added to the pool of design to be circulated in the spirit of design sharing
AUGUST 1ST 2004…howzat?
signed X___________________________________________________
moderators seed signed by two moderators
list to be topped out at 100 registrants