I bought a used eighties type board at a garage sale last weekend. It’s in decent shape and i’ve ridden it & it surfs fine. The thing I can’t stand about it is that its got these horrid neon pink, green & blue designs painted on to the foam on the deck. I’m super un-stoked about how it looks. Since the designs and paint are glassed in is there any way I can just rough up the deck with sandpaper and paint over it? If so what type of paint should I use? I currently thinking about using an enamel spray paint but I wasn’t sure if i would have to go all the way and use some kind of marine paint or not. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Long live the Swaylock Answer Gods! This site rocks. Thanks for providing this forum Mike. ~GL
just use some spray cans and spray it up. then shoot the deck with some clear coat
I have the same problem, NEON PINK. Are you just saying sand er down and paint with spray paint, waterbased, and then spray it with clear coat can spray? What kind of sprays work best?
…Depends on what you want to spend…the best for the money,time,and convenience is appliance spraypaint,your colors are limited ,but it will stay on better than Krylon or other cheap spray paints.You can get it at any hardware store.Herb
i just finished an 11ft Brewer with a full acrilic paint job on the deck. The paint was suspect since i didn’t know what brand or if it was even waterbased? U-POL makes a spray can 2 part catalized acrilic clear coat U-POL Clear #1 it’s buffable in 30 minutues. It’s $15 a can expensive but it works great. spray the cheepo waterbase color, then coat with the UPOL, buff out perfecto. I got it at my local auto paint store.
Does this clear coat from upol crack… Is it durable? How many coats or cans to use on one board?
Herb, how does the appliance paint hold up, do i need a clear coat on top?
It’s crystal clear. Seems to be pretty tough since it is catalized and goes off rock hard. The trick was getting it to flow out smooth, too much it runs, too little it orange peels if you know what i mean. But you can buff it out with some fine cut on the polisher…shiny
DO you have before and after pictures? It is a full on Brewer gun? Do you ride it?
,no clearcoat is necessary.I believe it’s a type of epoxy paint.I’ve used it before in the past,and it goes on thick,even,and glossy.As to it staying on…as well as just about anything else,if not better,with the exception of emron.Herb
do most auto supply stores carry a good clear acrylic? would i ask for a clear acrylic laquer? is there a specific type…not spray cans
I painted the deck today. I’ve got quite a few spots with the orange peel effect going. Is it possible to get a ultra-fine sandpaper and knock it down? Will this smooth out the look? Unfortunately, I don’t have access to a sander. I imagine that if I clear coat it without knocking down the orange peel, then the orange peel with show through the clear coat. Or maybe it doesn’t matter because as soon as I put new wax on the board nobody will ever know. Any anti-orange peel tips would be appreciated. ~GL
Hi Greg, If you spray multiple light coats you should get enough fill to be able to wet sand the board down and get it real glassy by hand. Start with 180, then go through 220, 400, 600, 1000, rubbing compound and you have a real nice finish. After you work it down with 180 and you think you have worked all the highs and lows out have a look at it with light reflecting off it so you get can see how true you’ve made things. You can wrap the paper around and scotch-bright pad to get a better grip. It’ll go much faster than you think it will. Just don’t run out of elbow grease. Mahalo, Rich
No one has ever ridden it, it still has it’s fin tab in the box. I wouldn’t call it a full on gun, but its shaped out of a 12 ft gun blank, so its got all the traits, but it is hippier, and has a fuller nose. You could definitely pull into some heavies with this board, Brewer knew what he was doing. I’ll try to post some pictures
OK, now I’m curious… if no one had ever ridden this board, why were you working on it?? Just didn’t like the color? (2nd question - why have YOU never ridden it?)
what kind of paint for the base before the clear coat, water based, acrylic, enamel, does it matter? and what kind of clear coat any cheap one, exspensive one, one for marine products, or car engine clear coat.thanks!!!
It was a project that was never completed by the original owner. it was shaped by Brewer at the Choice Shaping Studios in San Diego. It was glassed at Moonlight Glassing in Encinitas. The glassing was only a sanded finish, surfable yes! But The original owners wife who has a masters in fine art decided to paint a full on Mermaid, Dolphin and Sawfish scene on the deck. This was done about 10 yrs ago. Because of the transportation issues moving a 11ft board around they never sent it out to be glossed. Actually Brewer wanted the wife to paint directly on the foam and glass over it. But no deal. Thats where I came in. I had to clean the glass around the paint, repair a few small whitties sand out some deep dirty sctatches (about 12 hrs of cleaning) and gloss the board. My idea was, If I screwed up the art with dissimilar products, i could sand down the art and gloss it, Big old white board with Brewer logo’s Then it would be a rider. But it turned out perfect, so as for riding it? i’m stuck. I have a 9ft gun that I ride when it get way over head. So I’m not Jonesing for a big board, 11ft is a lot of board to be slinging. Anyway, boards are meant to be ridden, but this thing is a true wall hanger in every sense. But if we ever get big surf in So Cal again and I get a wild hair maybe i’ll surf the beast. Look for the guy with the Mermaid and Dolphins on his board, you can’t miss it!
The 80’s had to be the lowest cultural point on the planet, not the 70’s like everyone used to think.
I cant remember the seventies.Anyway I got in late on this thread but one way to repaint an old board is to sponge paint it like marble or wood grain the thing,sounds bizzare but it looks good and at least its different.Just get a book on faux painting and have at it.Use acrylic paint and either spray a clear acrylic coat or gloss it.Me an Herb dig Martha Stewart. R.B.