The Upcoming Boardroom Show in Del Mar

May 6 & 7, Saturday and Sunday. Any forum members going to be there? I’ll be there Saturday, for sure. Sunday, I’m not so sure. Just depends on what’s there, and possibly interesting. Parking is now eleven dollars per car! That sure takes some of the pleasure out of the experience. (for me) Speak up, if you’ll be there.

As always… I’ll be there for set up on Friday and be at the show Saturday… maybe Sunday. We’ll see how my work schedule goes.

I’ll be there but late on both Saturday and Sunday. Probably for the last hour or two each day. And $11 to park… yikes. My daughter has to teach surfing classes for UCSD @ Scripps both days 12-3. And we will surf in the AM. So later is the call for us. Will have her, my 15 year old son, one of my daughter’s roommates and probably her boyfriend with me.

I’ll be working the SHACC booth Saturday morning.

Unclegrumpy - what’s your name? Haha gonna track you down this year and say hi. - I’ve worked it for about 6years so I’m sure we have crossed paths without even knowing.

It’s Hal

I’ll be there Saturday. Staying in Oceanside. Looking forward to it.

I will be there on Sat in the Shapers Supply booth. Lots of restored Skil’s including rare ones.

Any chance I could drop off a pair of Skil blades to you for sharpening?

Will have these at the show and here’s how it works: Works very fast with the Harbor Freight diamond-hone block, but can also be used on sandpaper per the old RichardMc post. This will sharpen Hitachi blades also.
Of course I’ll sharpen them if you’d rather not hassle doing it yourself.

The Vintage Surfboard Collectors Club, is having a club meet, at the event, both Saturday and Sunday. It’s a good opportunity to talk to some knowledgeable folks, about vintage surfboards. I’m considering bringing the ‘‘Tres Huevos Especial’’ gun, for any interested folks to check it out.

I gave a pair of my Skil 100 blades to Pete, for sharpening, at the show. Pete demonstrated the sharpening device on them. WOW ! Was I impressed? You bet ! So much so, that I paid full retail price for one. If you own a Skil, this tool is a ‘‘must have’’ addition to your arsenal of shaping instruments. Today (Sunday) I’ll be sharpening my 5 sets of Skil 100 blades. I like to use the plate glass, wet/dry sandpaper method.

But I bought one too. Anything Pete designs is worth buying!

Hung with Pete, Da Boyz Jrs, Wideawake, Mr. Senate and others. The highlight for me was watching Matt Kinoshita(aka Kazuma) show everybody who was paying attention, How it’s done. Friggin’ amazing. Unbelievable quick, precise technique. Little tricks I had never seen done etc. he basically had it shaped in 30 minutes and then slowed down and fine tuned it for an hour. My money is on Maui. Have not heard results yet. Anyone heard?? Lowel

Rex took the win! - super nice and humble guy.

Everyone was a true pleasure to hang with.

Kazuma was beyond a pleasure to watch and hang with. Probably the most enthusiastic guy I’ve ever talked to about boards. Truly loves the industry and the people.

This tool is a real joy to use. The plate glass, wet/dry sandpaper method, is tailor made for use with the tool. 320 grit, followed by 600 grit. Easy peasy. I got my blades so sharp, that I’m champing at the bit to shape another surfboard. I suggest that you get one. Thank you, PeteC, for such a quality contribution to the craft.

Ohh I picked up a jig too haha.

Clean and simple. Havnt used them yet but plan to tomorrow.

Was great meeting you. Terry and I got the Dragon Skin deal handled. Thanks for the tip. I’ll come over some time on one of my many trips. This has been a good one. Lowel

Lowel - great tower you as well.

Glad you got that worked out. - I know terry loves that stuff.

I had a blast as always. It’s always great to see everyone and meet a few new faces.

Ps. Hal I missed you. Cruises by the booth but wasn’t able to track you down. Next year!

It was a great show, but it was seeing everyone from Swaylocks that made my day. I wanted to thank all of you (like McDing and Dude Ranch Shapes) that made the effort to travel down from up North for this. Sorry I missed you Keith, but it was good to see LeeV again. Great to see Barry Snyder also, his board with the exotic blank glue-up and perfect concaved wings was something only he could do. There was something different / special this year that got everybody fired up to shape, maybe the energy Kazuma brought. Even pro’s like Terry Senate got all excited and I wasn’t immune either.

Glad that everyone liked the blade jig. It’s easy to get cut so be careful handling the blades after using it. With all of the blades getting sharpened I guess I’ll have to do an instruction on my trick way to adjust them on the Skil. Newer Hitachi’s have an external jig, so you just align them on that then bolt back in the planer.