The Wood-Pex is finished

Yesterday I declared my last board as finished.
Still some minor improvements possible, especially in the varnish, but I‘m not a professional…

You can follow the entire build under:

First ride will be Sept. 22nd in Portugal, if nothing happens during transport etc.


Congratulations. I saw the thread. At the end you didn’t g put fiberglass on the outside. Only inside. It was for the weight? How strong Is it? Greetings

Yes, left the outside glass because of weight, but not to forget, that the veneers reinforce too.
It is strong, but if its strong enough, can only be answered after the first sessions. But my Para-Lier is build the same, and it works perfectly. Not a single dent in the knee area, nothing.
A board with 6mm balsa and 2oz glass in- and outside is strong enough too.

Enjoy your beautyfull board. All the best…


For others, the rail posts start at post #44 in the jambaord thread.

The rails weigh 4.3kg.

Thanks for adding this info. Last time I used cork it was great for everything except weight. It’s helpful to know some numbers. I was starting to think it was just me.

Copying over some other related info:
“As far as I know, the specific weight of cork is about 250g/dm3, double as balsa. Plus the epoxy…”

Good for chop and wind, but maybe not the hike

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Final weight is 9.1 kg or about 19lbs. Still acceptable weight, but you are right, the massiv rails, due to height and shape contribute a lot. So if building boards with cork rails and wanting low weight, adapt your design to be able to reduce rail width as much as possible. The below

9‘2“ is about 13lbs, the 8‘8“ in my avatar is about 14lbs


I used to use solid cork for rails, but I also noticed that it is heavier. Since my boards are composites (foam and wood) I switched to XPS on the rails, but for an all wood look, I use thin strips of Balsa.

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