There are no waves in Jamaica

Here’s a few shots from my trip to Jamaica. Went down to finally visit a long time friend that’s been running a surf guide service there for several years now. Had a blast and wanted to share the trip with you guys. But of course…everyone knows there are no waves in Jamaica!

Brought my friend a new Pavel as well and he loved it!

Here’s the link to the rest of the pics -

My friend Kurt (Liquid) has a website that he updates regularly with new pics. Check it out click Jah mek ya surf tours

I go for Nate E Dred’s Smoked Feesh ! Herb

Thanks for that JJR.

Kurt’s a great surfer. And ya gotta love the Jah-mek-ya Surf Lodge! The crew scored some fun little waves this morning, in fact –

here’s Kurt, taking the high road on last Thanksgiving’s swell…

Quit screwing around JJR and get home so you

can answer my fish fin placement questions!!!

Hope you had a great trip!!!

We need a flush every now and then.

Let me know when you need to see the snow.


"my friend went for a holiday to the carribean "

“oh ? jamaica?”

“nah , she went WILLINGLY”

"There are no waves in jamaica "

"well , sir , whatever you call those things we were riding , they sure were fun " [The Endless Summer movie]

There are no waves in Jamaica…

“you can fool some peepol sometimes, but you cant fool all the peepol all the time”

Bob Marley

(you are one lucky surfdog Jim!)

Soulstice, do you happen to have the next couple frames of that wave?

wave closed out. Kurt made it. unsuspecting dude on longboard got worked.

pics are available on the Liquid Addiction website.

Love the colour of the water, it’s beautifull. Wave looks pretty bloody good too!

oops stuffed up sorry …