I’m working on my new longboard. It is a traditional singlefin. I’d like some advice on thickness (floatation).
I am 6’2" and weigh 160lbs.
My board (to be) is 9’9" x 18" x 23 x 17 5/8"
As i am pretty light weight what would be an advisable thickness, or better yet a good method for determining thickness according to weight.
I too am ‘a skinny kid’ [welll… grommet in MY mind, anyway !] who WILL eventually get my mal finished. I’ve never made one before… I’ve ridden a few of other people’s though, over the years.
Pardon my ignorance, and it may just be your preferred size, but is 9’9 with that wide a tail a tad oversized for both you and 5’ waves ?
Would something like 8’ not be considered a longboard in America ?
I get confused as to what constitutes a longboard… I think ‘traditional’ ones for contests here are 9’ and over…is that right Bert, or am I way off …is it the same in America ?
What is called a mini-mal seems to depend on who you talk to here…7’- 8’ [?] seems to be around the mark. But, of course, my friends [20 y.o. s ] think my 7’ single fin is a mal [compared to their 6’ thruster toothpicks, it must look that way to them!]
Sorry, I guess it’s a bit off your original question, and just a case of different countries’ semantics…I just wondered the ‘mal’ [longboard ] sizing guideline / definition , if there IS one ?
re : The thickness : -
I also have been told 3 1/8 " plus is advisable as boards get into that sort of length [8' and up, in my case]. I guess , as previously mentioned, to help lower the chance of board snappage. Of course, it sounds, from the strength evidently inherent in the vacuum bag process ? , as though Bert is in a different 'category' ...he can go thinner and lighter and still have good strength in the board, by the sound of his previous postings. Which, if the float is still the same as a thicker board [? IS it ?] , sounds a GREAT option to me....but that's probably because I , having Rob Machado's build, find it a bit harder to crank around an 8' plus board into a cuttie than say a 'Shwuz' sized guy [no offence intended Jarrod].
Anyway, if it doesn't hijack the thread, I'd be interested to hear about the length / thickness of mals [ / 'traditional longboards ?'] in America and elsewhere, as people here seem to say the 8'er I'm making is a 'funboard' , 'mini mal' , 'small longboard'. [ Not that it matters heaps, I guess...it's just I wondered if the 'categories' [man made, of course] could be clarified ?
thanks !