Tick Tock man winds down

so it like this

jeff the shrink ellison

pased away while surfing Black rock on saturday morning

he started surfing in his late fifties

as an acolyte of my front yard meetings

and a good sport taking a good ribbing

from the serrogate siblings.

he never ripped a sweeping bottom turn ,

or got a freefall backdoor stand up dry barrel

kissing the foamball’s ass

but his life was elevated

beyond his former life’s

state of grace

for surfing

at his own pace.

the smallest days

at the junkest spots

were his successes

grand and pure.

an object lesson

for the self absorbed

to be sure .

was jeff’s enthusiasm

and wish to play

with those guys

out there his forte?

for this I am grateful to have

known him and

encouraged him

to play with us in the ocean.

with this I embrace his memory

on a day special to many

for resurection

chocolate bunnies

and good surf.

grace and hope be yours

as I believe is in place for my deceased friend

jeff ellison.

aloha from waipouli


I will go surf tomorrow…but thats today

Another good reminder of how lucky we are to play in the ocean and enjoy this life. I hope he went with big stoked filled smile. Thanks for sharing Ambrose and I hope his family and friends are ‘holding up’ under the circumstances. Mike

a post from 10-2005

to what ends II Posted: Oct 2, 2005, 11:35 AM

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cracked cats cradle

by vandergghot

and after eight or ten sessions on the throne got to the ICE NINE CHAPTER

the excercise is about pure science/research

get it ?

not new improved toothbrushes or windshield wipers

the ice nine was to cure muck for marines

there was a general that was tired of slogging through it

and beset the pure research hero of the facility on the problem.

so any whey

the answers will float to the top

if allowed to do so.

design peramiters are prescribed by the users 'popular ’ criterion

I.E.facination with air drops.>

facination with roof riding.>

facination with landing a floaters outside the impact zone so as to be seen clearly by a crowd of cheering onlookers!

this is being done

to what ends/

the desired end pursued

is financial professionalism I.E. make money

the parity with pro golph

was the carrot before the proverbial cart puller

the un forseen prat falls[pit falls}

water security teams intimidating

ego driven competitors

competitive drive perverting the"spirit "of the basic activity

[see john scott manifesto]

so to what ends?

we are all gonna die sometime .

what will make us HAPPIEST?

the biggest wave?

the hollowest wave?

the longest tube?

barely missing the cliff?

beating everyone to the beach again?

finding a new spot?

the mellowest situation?

sharing waves?

hogging all the waves?

watching girls smile?

helping kids smile?

taking an obtuse broad range of life forms surfing for oe time in their lives?

there are as many criterion as there are people,case closed.

so lets pose a liveable criterion that has an open end

allowing for an entire life span

from cradle to machismo to adlepated crone

and the whole time

allowing the integration

of many individuals

to share in the beauty and uplifting nature

of the benevolent ocean

start from the end and count back

skip the psychopathic guiltless

all the waves for me attitudes

in the end

it is just not possible

for an 85 year old

mafia don to have

all the waves

even wit a cache

of musscle and rockets

die at thirty nine

as the greatest brawler of the former century

and this is possible.

athough dieing under a bridge of liver damage

and dispondant is not a noble death.

the drunken brawlers will sing your praises for years

but a short sighted evolved alternative death.

lets fix on somthing greater.

lets fix on another damn good ride

challenged, uncrowded,uncontested{not hastling or dropping in on another}

I just flashed the genome I have inherited

that this may effect me!

is that pioneer gene?

that made em leave england,scotland,

virginia,marion ohio,galveston[after the flood of 1860]

millville ore.,shasta. hat creek and finally me leaving san francisco.

avoid confrontation and be free to explore,perhaps via pure research

to find the tranquility of mind in a continuously more crowded world

we must come to grips with.

a good time is had by ALL

that is what I wish to have from this here surfing


and this overlaps well with

ancient surfing and future surfing

there is plenty of surf.

lets all die happy with out the ANGST

go with the current,

in the flow,

through the bowl,

make the wave ,

dont choke ,

dont cutback,

dont blow the clean line,

flub a cutback,

spin out ,

get droped in on,

yell at a girl and make her cry,

go surfin and

make yourself happier and

make every one yu meet happier and

like ice nine this whole damn material world

will eventually be better than it could have been.


…what can one person do in a mere 85 years…

…maybe a hundred an fifty…

…somthing nice…

ambrose m.curry III

Aloha Ambrose.


ambrose- i’m going to print that out and spread the word(if ya don’t mind)

Howzit Brother Brose, Read about the drowning this morning but they didn’t give the name, thanks for filling in the gaps.Aloha and Happy Easter,Kokua

rest in heaven wow thanks . . .

so its looking like a little gathering on sundy at dawn or thereabouts.

trying to hook up the 6man canoe and a steersman

mebe a few paddlers and surfers

three old friend psychiatrists

along for the ride

on the canoe

what can

a young

man do.

cept to play in a rock and roll band

sumpthin sumpthin …a street fightin man…

-rolling stone s lyric…

the guy was into serious judo


Very sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed tick tock’s input here.

BTW - I surfed with a mate of yours Eric Vogt last week. Did he know Jeff? If so I’ll pass this on.

paddle out at eleven and ashes go out into the kauai channel

by trimarran

pot luck at the kalapaki

aloha jeff


eric vogt left before jeff arrived


for the jeff on his internment in the kauai channel.

hey davy jones!

here we give you this wandering stew

cultural flotsam washed up on kauai

died not yet three score and two

taken to heart by surfer’s discerning eye

it was plain there was somthing

about this here guy.

set to work for others with a story to tell

he wore on his back a hardened shell

stirring the poridge an irish spurtle

he seemed to me like a naked turtle.

speaking on his life

a chuckle and a nod

we here freely give these bones

a spirit gift to god

to the likes o’ davy jones

amen of men

our spirits are the same

arrested matter in a mortal game

living lives freely

blessed but no really.

the blessing is to find

souls of sameing kind.

waves ,

take us to shore

our wayward souls to save

floating on this tropic sea

looking far out for a wave

it is aparent to me

yet live no more.

investing our lives in this guy named jeff

deriving a sense of grace perhaps

or maybe a comapative relief

that our life’s lot

is not all greif


