Time to shape my Bonzer

Nice looking board Yorky!

If I were you, just chalk it up as 'Bonzer inspired' to avoid any nit-picking criticism that it might not be exactly the same as this one or that.

Even genuine Bonzers have a range of variation.  Your Bonzer inspired model is a unique board that doesn't appear to be a direct copy of anything... as it should be.

Here’s my new boards, I don’t get the fins for the bonzer till Monday so It’ll sit for a few more days.
As you can see, I filler coated  the deck and over onto the bottom lap,so I can sand the bottom lap (of the bonzer inspired board) ready to attach the fins then final filler.
My shortboard on the left will be sanded and have the leggie plug installed tonight. Going to surf it in the morning…There’s a good bank up the road from my house.
I will Up date next week. when I get my fins

ching ching

Hey yorky you inspired me 6’8 ewing bonzer egg

Girvin, stoked mate. Looking forward to watching the build journey and ride report also.


I think I made my flutes too deep and narrow.

Maybe soften the edges. When you glass on the runners the glass will fill them up a bit.

Yeah thats what I was thinking, the hot coat wil fill it a little also.


Hi there - I’m quietly following this thread but couldn’t help to add… I think you need to try it with Probox fin boxes as you will be able to experiment with different cants front and back and work out the right combination.  I too like the theory that Mr. J has put up here and think it would work well - Probox would allow you to experiment this and also other cant options and fin options without being locked in.

Just my 2c :slight_smile:

Keep it coming - enjoying the thread!

hiya yorky !


 thanks heaps for posting these shots ! [i LOVE a 'board-build' photo thread , as you have no doubt noticed over the years ? hahahh]


  umm... would the tail be too thin / contoured for a fin box , i wonder ? 


  ....just thinking it would be fun to play around with different sized and templated back fins , is all ...  [but that's just me , of course!]





interesting comment by cam , too....  a bonzer setup with removeable side fins too, would be GREAT !



You are most probably right RE: thickness of the tail, I Have never done a single fin board with a box of these dinentions.

There is just something about this board where I want to glass them all on…Also I have the fin.

As I’m doing all the work on it, I don’t really want to do the install, ha, ha.

I put a extra bit of glass where the back fin goes so after “how ever” many rides, I’ll grind it out and re attach it, sounds like the hard way of doing things I know.

…I never really liked single fin boxes, the way the screw sits up, and the gaps either side of the fin. Just don’t like em…? Thats just me. Maybe on a board over 6’4 or a thick board a box feels right but not on this one, it’s just so fine.

Glad your enjoying the thread. I really enjoy doing it, and at the end of the day, we all learn something.


Does any one know how thick the trailing end of a small single fin box is? I could ask the boys at the factory, but, why, when we have Sways. I’ll check the tail thickness of my board also. Thanks again.


Does any one know how thick the trailing end of a small single fin box is? I could ask the boys at the factory, but, why, when we have Sways. I'll check the tail thickness of my board also. Thanks again"


  unfortunately i'm using the library's computer , so don't have the boxes in front of me mate , sorry


  and when i get home , and have the boxes in front of me , then of course i don't have the computer in front of me to give you the reply


 [ a bit like today really ...i had the beach , and 'moonfish's Walden , and the desire [to surf !] , but no waves in front of me ...a minor detail eh ?  [luckily , i DID have the ever-present camera , though ...to take photos of the quite present no surf conditions !]

"Does any one know how thick the trailing end of a small single fin box is?"

The Fins Unlimited 8.5" and 10.5" are 1" thick at each end.  I've shaved the trailing end of the box down a bit after installation on thin tailed boards. 

Hey Yorky, How’s the board progressing?  Can’t wait to hear your impressions.

I went out this AM on a 6’ quad in head high with occasional overhead sets, lots of rip.  I was floundering a bit.  Too late on a lot of take offs, a bit squirrely off the bottom.  After an hour and a half I ran back to my car and grabbed the 7’ bonzer.  The right tool for the job.  What a difference. It duck dives way better. I was taking off with total confidence, powering off the bottom and then when you get that groove thing going down the line, the “fifth gear”… magic.  Such a good feeling. Loving the bonzer.  Too bad mine’s falling apart.  My next reiteration will be a little shorter, and maybe I’ll try the runners a 1/4" shorter.  I don’t think I’m going to be the one messing around with cants just yet.  This one feels too good.

I will be getting my Bonzer fins tomorrow, Monday. So I reckon i’ll have em glassed on and maybe some photos on Tuesday.

I have been thinking a lot about how I was going to splay (cant) out the side fins, up until today I was all for MrJ’s theory of Less cant on the back and extra on the front.

My board looks to me like it will get up and run on the front (on the rails from the side fins forward, on the flat sections) and will tend to want to sit back into the concaves on the back 1/3 of the board. So I want as much lift in the back of the board as possible to somewhat over ride/Balance the board from wanting to fall back onto the tail. So I’m going to go with the side fins the same with max cant.

catch ya’s soon

I glassed all 5 fins on last night… what a mission!

Looking like a bonzer now.

I splayed The side over at 20 degrees with 1/2" overlap (Looked right to me), and the back 5 7/8" single fin1/4" behind side which was 5 3/4" from the tail.

Sorry no photos as i didn’t bring my camera to work last night.

I will be sanding around the fins today and getting the bottom preped for them to be fillercoated.

I will have photos tonight and of the finished board tomorrow.

catch ya tonight… maybe!

Sooo keen to surf it…looks way different to anything I have ever made.


Watch out for your knuckles!

unreal !!!


  i eagerly await the photos and a ride report , sir !

  a high performance bonzer ['inspired'] ...i think this is the first i have seen here


  i'll be really keen to hear the comparison[s] / differences with your regular / ?same sized? thruster . i reckon the bonzer bottom for your third comparison [ie: next ? ]board , but with no side runners ...just as a single fin? , as i liked a 70s singley i had with this setup ...a thinner version of that would have been sweet , i always thought , especially with modern blank rocker , rails ...]


  also , for your fourth board , if you want to keep bonzer roll going? ...how about a "high performance three fin bonzer[inspired] ??


  just my mind , racing ....


  anyways , whaddya reckon , Yorks ??


   keep up the great work







Ben, That all sound like fun. I wish I didn’t have to work and could make boards for fun. But for the next one Lets get the info from this one and build a real “inspired” BONZA board, ha ha

llilibel, yes I came close close a few times. the fins ended up sharp.

Well I went straight to work today, put other jobs aside and attacked the fins, it took a while but not as hard as I expected. And NO Blood!
My sander (I didn’t have a small pad) and orbie wouldn’t get in between the side and single and they both hated the concaves so it was %95 by hand.
Just tricky, I took my time.
I sanded over the rails onto the deck (about where the color stops) and taped it up there ready for bottom filler. I was happy with the sanding result.
Straight to the racks for the filler. I put it on a bit thicker then I normally would have.
Here are the shots so far.

I think the back fin looks a bit large. Its 5 7/8"

What do you guy think?