Time to shape my Bonzer

Hello all,

Well I’ve been researching 5 fin BONZERS for a few weeks now.
Tomorrow morning (in less then 12 hours) i’m going to shape my self a bonzer with the info that I have scraped together about the concaves, Vee,  E-wing, rocker and outline (subject to my interpretation). I have all this in my head.
However can you guys help me, 1st time Bonzer shaper.

I have surfed for over 25 years, no beer belly yet, and still riding high performance standard thrusters 5 10 x 18 1/8 x 2 1/8
67 kg (looking for a bit of a soul trip may be, a board for the Noosa points as I just moved Up North)

Going to make a  5 11 x 18 x 2 1/8 Bonzer, 5 fin,  E-wing, swallow.
As this is a small board, fin positioning has sort of got me stumped.

Can someone with the knowledge please sear me in the right direction RE: the fin positions… of course as much info and any Tips would be great, by all.

… I’m taking my camera in to shoot the process, also i’m going to make this board by hand, in its entiret.  Blog it here and else where.

…Also Huie sent me some Inegra so I’ll be using it on the deck.

Materials: I’ll be using a super light PU Blank with 4 bottom x 4 inegra (insert) plus 4 over it.

Please Help.


i tell ya mick had billy hamilton do one he should have some info

**super light blank what  one           do you want a yellow i got oneif you want

......Also Huie sent me some Inegra so I'll be using it on the deck.

Materials: I'll be using a super light PU Blank with 4 bottom x 4 inegra (insert) plus 4 over it.

Please Help.




Yorky: Innegra is pretty good stuff.



Thanks boys,

Huie, Mick who? and how do get in contact with him… Blank = South coast,  “Mega Light” is what they call em.

The “Yellow” you have, That be a Midget hey.  I’ve been using south coast blanks for over 10 years and the really look after me, however going to talk with Midget and see what the deal is soon… Keen to try for sure in March some time i reckon.

Ding, should be a fun size hey, hope it goes ha ha. I think the cant is 18 degrees.

…I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome of the PU v EPS callange too.





Hey yorky,

I think this is what you are looking for…  Hope this helps with the fin setup.






Everytime I see that diagram I always fell obliged to chime in and note that the Campbell brothers overlap the front and back runners by 1/2".  That is, the trailing edge of the front fin and the leading edge of the rear fin overlap.


Cant is 18 degrees on runners.  And just as important is the single to double concaves in a kind of hour glass shape.


Everytime I see that diagram I always fell obliged to chime in and note that the Campbell brothers overlap the front and back runners by 1/2".  That is, the trailing edge of the front fin and the leading edge of the rear fin overlap.


Cant is 18 degrees on runners.  And just as important is the single to double concaves in a kind of hour glass shape.


That kind of info is priceless.  I noted that hourglass thing - the v in the middle between the channels kinda widens back out at the end.  But I thought the cant was 20 -25 degrees?  Maybe it varies?  Anyway, I'm planning a bonzer, really appreciate this kind of detail.  Thanks!

great stuff guys !


  shipman did a couple of BEAUTIES , which he posted here years ago ...stingray did the sprays ? [or was it moonlight glassing? i forget?]


  hopefully the search mechanism here at sways still works for that kind of stuff ?


  i can't WAIT to see the progress on these boards guys ! [if you ever want to see how NOT to do it , search 'benzer' by some whacker called something ridickulous like "chipfish61" or sumtin' ..... yeegads , what was he THINKING ??[or not , that was probably the problem !hahahhhhh]




   ben  [formerly chipfish61]




[the 'bonzer pic thread' may be helpful , hopefully yorky !!]

Thanks Guys,

Lennox76 is sending me some fin measurements from his bonzers some time today, he has 2 of the Brothers boards. Going to wait to get them from him

Chip I saw one on Sway’s that shipman did where he taped up the concave/channels that looked real sharp, I only saw it as a shaped blank.

Campbell Brothers “shelter” model rockers look to have a low to very low nose entry rocker (strongish nose flip) with a long excelerating back 2/3 mid-tail rocker.

Would anyone like to chime in on what they know or have seen RE: there bonzer rockers?


I’ve been looking at the light /dark green boards top right of the small pic (click on small pic)… “SHELTER” board


I was just at moon light and the can’t was between 20 and 23 on most of the ones i looked at.

Yorky, thats going to be a HPSBZ - High Performance Short Bonzer!

I do admire you sense of self estimation, you have the distinction of having made tour boards for WCT surfer Kieren Perrow and former WCT star Danny Wills, but you aren’t afraid to ask the boys on Swaylocks for help when it comes to bonzers.

MrJ, by the way I like “HPSBZ”… if I can get it to work, I might just offer it in my range for Japan as just that.

…If thats ok.


Ta mate thats good to know

I just looked at your slimline dimensions and thought up the name - it would be great if you could get it to work to your satisfaction and offer it in Japan - they are fairly small chaps, it might suit them.

I had a look at the shelter board you gave the link to and I see what you mean by the pic giving an impression of high tail rocker, with low entry plus flip - but thats just a pic and I’m hopeless at assessing board rocker even looking at it in real life, I’m lost without a rocker stick. I know nothing about bonzers, the only alternative modern fin setup that I’ve liked was the widowmaker and that was on a Takayama egg - great in pt break.

are you thinking of using glassed on or boxed fins for the front ones?


MrJ, %100 glass on, all 5 of em. with a carbon patch under the single so I can grind it off and re attact it…Just cause I have 5 beautiful single fins to use up and glass on.

5 surf rule, then change the back fin. Might get to feel it out in a wider range of conditions this way, with out chopping and changing every surf to.

Hey Yorky

Just saw this thread and will get you the fin measurements from my Bonzer , the one Billy Hamilton shaped for me. It’s a 6’6" round pin so maybe of no immediate use . Been up to my arse in work and no time for Swaying let alone finishing my board but have been taking some shots and will post them as Huie suggested when I’m done. 

Here’s another 6’6" rnd pin Bill did a while back. Cant on this one was 14 deg from memory.

Here’s another mate’s board it’s a 7’0" swallow with a different concaves and fin setup.





you re a shaper, boardbuilder, designer or a hacker?

man, do you not know how to figurate out the dims?

is not come here and in a “few” seconds want everything down

things that take some research and surfing all over some designs and some years

to arrive at nice dims and prescriptions to the customers


at least is what I did and what a professional who cares about boards design and customers does…


I spend couple of years researching, etc before my first attempt to this design

also I changed in some cases, some features and checked directly with the source theyselves…

I did and do bonzer types in weekly monthly basis from the lasts years in shortboards, eggs, longb and some semiguns.


seems most do not understand the concept behind


sorry for previous words but I needed to say that


first 14º is NOT the way to go

25º is NOT the way to go

no matter the final planshape


second, the back side runners DO NOT overlap 1/2 the front ones as a rule.


3, no matter if you go down in length; for ex: 5 5´´, you ll go with a 6 main fin

in some riders like teenagers women or children or wanting a total loose board in tiny surf

you can go with a 5 1/2 but is not overall good


4, bonzers like toobs or hollow waves, so keep in mind that to final planshape (you asking for rocker…)