tinklers tails

Just saw this on a local surf site and was wondering about peoples thoughts and ideas on it. Seemed like an interesting idea.


The ideas been around for awhile and several people have made variations on it. That particular board doesnt seem ready for prime time judging from the failure in its initial test run and needs quite a bit of tweaking. the race for controlled flex continues.

I’ve been doing something similar to my kneeboards (zero rocker aft, stiff center section, flex aft rails) since the mid-late 60’s. Sold about 50 through Carl Ekstron’s shop and PB Surf Shop around 1969. Some illustrations of them appear in an article by Tom Pieffer in a late 60’s or early 70’s issue of Surfer, and there may be another example (and a pic at Big Drakes) in a Surfer issue in the early 70’s. Some examples (but not the most recent) can be seen at the Blast-Hawaii kneeboard site (at least the last time I checked).


very interesting…kind reminds me of the

Hello Hydroglyder,

I am a great believer in flexible surfboards. Springs can be used to make a board flexible, but for a less mechanical solution the board can be made with a parallel profile. Boards with a parallel profile flex naturally. The power of a flexible board is not harnessed efficiently unless it drives an underwater horizontal control surface.

Timber is a good material for flexible board construction


I know I sound like a naysayer always, it’s just that I’m a pessimist at heart.

I’ve seen, used, owned, tinkler tails of various forms for at least 20 years, prolly much more.

The problem always seems to be consistency, and of course, weight gain.\

Foam and glass breaks down, springs wear out, resins age and get brittle.

We all know an eggshell with super lightweight foam is the lightest weight possible, not necessarily a bad thing.

Two opposing pole theories working against one another.

And for sure there is a performance gain…but at what cost? Weight, costs, inconsistencies, durability, fragility…

KISS was always preached in waves of consequence. Can be applied to small waves, too.

Hello Lee,

please excuse me but could you please tell me what KISS means?



Hello Lee,

please excuse me but could you please tell me what KISS means?


Engineers refer to this term as “keep it simple stupid”


Hi guys welcome to the 21st Century.

Very kind of you to invite us to this century :wink: Aren’t hinged surfboards rather like hinged golf clubs. . . ? Just a thought. :slight_smile:

Hmmmm, sounds like advertising to me. I moved your other thread to Industry talk just to keep things tidy.

Have YOU ridden one, what was YOUR experience like, did YOU feel the flex work?

what a cool thread …

I think this may be one of the very few where Roy AND Tom Bloke are featured !!

my mum , being old school british , used to [probably still does , for all I know ?] refer to the act of whizzing / pissing / taking a slash as


"…having a tinkle " [god knows WHY?? Onomatopaeia [sp?] , perhaps ?]

So, you have an idea of what comes to mind for ME at least when I here “tinkler tail” …whizzing out your bottom [aka “spit the winkle” , here in Oz !]

does that make me a sick puppy , or was it just a cultural upbringing thing ? 

“nurture or nature ?” , I guess you could say .

but yes, even so … I’d ride a ‘tinkler tail’ , if someone handed me one to try out !

cheers !


Chip you might have to get your stitches out earlier, I think they are picking up alien signals…better get the tin foil out until then…

I like Roys analogy though, hinged golf clubs… what I’d like to see is flex with a permanent memory, very similar to the foot on prosthetic legs disabled sprinters use…

Hello Chipfish,

Couldn’t resist the idea of an outhouse joke

How about a . . .

“Tinkle tailed kook box !”


Spit the dummy.


Chip you might have to get your stitches out earlier, I think they are picking up alien signals…better get the tin foil out until then…

what I’d like to see is flex with a permanent memory

what I’d like to experience , tin foil , stitches or not , is a better memory !


the Tinkle thing is so old and growing up in NZ and OZ is how I learned how to fight guys like you ,that can’t articulate with real facts and data in the arena of ideas. So Thanks to the brothers, I know how to knock down a fool when I hear one . and when I was racing hi-performance sail boats and winning ,we used to call it "Pissing all over the compotition "so we Tinkled on . TTFN. I won’t be answering any more of your small minded "sheep shots "it is a waist of my good brain cells. I am into better performance in surfboard to add more fun and Hi-FlexTech to surfing . not this other stuff. what’s with you guys ???don’t you care about the sport ??? (get real _.As much a I do. then you can talk to me.


You come onto swaylocks to chant about your developments and someone who has developed there own advancements shares the merits of his design and an Aussie with a sense of humour who lightens up the thread seem to fire you up?

You wrote:

“I won’t be answering any more of your small minded "sheep shots”

Really? So you come on to swaylocks for one day and call a surfer who’s been experimenting with every kind of fin combination and board contours there is “ small minded “.

You wrote:

“get real _.As much a I do. then you can talk to me.”

Again! You’ve been here a day and are telling us when we can talk to you! Hah!

Share the STOKE! Bring the aloha!

…. I hope you were kidding.


"… I’d ride a ‘tinkler tail’ , if someone handed me one to try out ! "

cheers !


…and , knowing ‘Hicksy’ and I [as I do] , it’s not entirely unlikely that we wouldn’t attempt MAKING one ourselves at some stage in the future , since the outer island flextails I’ve seen have intrigued me for a while !


there are photos here and at www.surfresearch.com.au , somewhere … [in the glossary under “T” at surfresearch it gives the history of them . .