Tints, pigments, boxes and bits…

Ola folks,

I’ve got a few questions regarding a pigmented lamination I’m working on and am looking for a little guidance on ‘best practice’.

I’ve shaped a 7”6 egg board for a friend who has decided they want the board pink with orange rails! Not my idea of a colour scheme but the customer is always right as they say…

Its throwing up a few questions in my mind as to how to execute a clean lamination. 

The board will have a 2+1 fin setup and I’m planning on using futures boxes. Obviously those are best installed pre glass. However, with a pink resin lam they may turn out looking a bit dirty. 


So far my options seem:

Route the boxes. Then spray the foam. Glass as per usual.

Pigment the lam. Then route/glass patch the boxes. Spray the rails. Then hot coat/gloss.


I can see both methods working. But my question really is what would others do? What are the pros and cons to these methods? And does anyone have any better ideas?



Rout for the boxes (do not install).   Do a foam spray tape off.  Both colors.  Then laminate with the boxes installed and the slots taped off.   Don’t think about doing some kind of tinted lamination using both colors.  That is ridiculous.  The other alternative is to laminate with a tint.  Install the the fin boxes and then pigment the rails on the hotcoat.

I second on the foam spray tape off routine. after lamination Id stay away from any spraying.

one thing though, dont spray color inside the box routes. Ive seen boxes that ripped out clean with what looked

like absolutely no bond between paint and resin. better resin to foam.

Never had that happen that I know of.  But putting some tape in the slot or hole would be a good precaution.  I will take heed.  Thank you.