So after three prototypews I was all set to begin utlizing my 10.5" inch finbox template. the template worked great. Super clean cut and a perfect slot for the box. the template is a big rectangle with the center cut out so as to allow the router to fit into the larger slot in orde to cut the finbox slot perfectly.
Anyhoo, here’s my problem, after measuring where the back of the fin box should be I layed down the template and routed the slot. It was not till after I laminated the box in, that to my horror, I realized that the slot was up about 2.5" inches from where I measured. Turns out I forgot to factor in the widht of the actual template itself.
Long story short, the back of the fin box now starts at about 9" from the tail as opposed to the originally planned 6.5". the board is a 10’6 cruiser/noserider, 24" wide. the tail is about 18" wide.
Should I, A) route out the finbox and reposition? Or B), keep it it as is.
The lesson I have learned last night is this: no matter how perfect a template is designed, any moron can still screw it up if you don’t put the damn thing in the right palce.
Man, I hope he’s not pissed. It’s actually an easy fix, you just suffer some cosmeticaly. If you used a big sweep back fint that is all the way back in the box you probably would not notice one way or the other.
So you never mentioned how your baord that we glassed rides?
The board rides pretty nicely actually. I haven’t taken it out in much more than 2ft slop but it turns nicely and with some finesse, I can walk up to the nose.
It’s a little difficult to get used to b/c it wobbles a little (goes rail to rail) if I’m walking the board. That may be b/c it’s so thin or b/c I ride shortboards most of the time.
I’ll bring it with me next time we have waves and if you’re there you can take it for a ride.
My dad bought me 2 more blanks (both 9’7") that I am DYING to start working on. I have to finish my kitchen this weekend and then I can set up my garage.
MONKEY MIND CREATIVE SOLUTION DEPT. A… cut the tail off two inches up and put a tailblock ,1/2’’ puts fin box on target 6 1/2’’ up…clean machine who knows visually and if customer don like it make another… and keep the cosmic varriable inxpired wonder board…ambrose …aloha
Fin front edge oughta be between 14 and 15 inches from the tail. If it is too far forward and the board spins in, you can worry. But if you can get the fin where you need it, why worry. Be happy.