Hey guys,
Well I made my first board yesterday and today (well not exactly ‘made’, I refibreglassed 2 layers on an old board and installed bindings). I needed a strong and rigid board capable of not flexing or flopping whilst at high speed and big waves during kitesurfing. Weight isnt really a problem (I have added an extra 4-5kgs) because I am powered by the kite.
Being my first time I wasnt exactly in the ‘neat’ department when glassing, however to my credit I did manage to sand it all out completely smooth (somewat). In doing so, some spots where there were previous dings I sanded to, and exposed, the fibreglass. In one spot I sanded right through to the previous fibreglass in order to get it smooth. I am debating as to weather I put on another coat of resin or spray paint it with 2 pack to seal it.
Forgive me if I am not up to speed on the lingo! I was originally going to paint it after finishing anyway as the board was yellow and cruddy underneath all that nice new fibreglass, but instead I am now thinking of coating it with resin mixed with that white ground up styrofoam powder which will give it a nice white finish. It has dried hard so can I resin without fibreglass cottin (wont it crack)? Will it bond to the wax hardner I mixed with the resin on the last coat for sanding? Can you even put another coat of resin on with that styrofoam powder? or would it be best to spray paint it?
Any ideas or knowlege is appreciated…