To Rusty /contact me

If there is anyone out there that knows Rusty personnally or someone who can give him a message;tell him to contact me @ swaylocks thru the board page,I WOULD LIKE TO CLEAR THE AIR,between us,and share ideas.This is a good thing!!!REMEMBER, we are all human,and share the same world.Aloha,Herb.

If there is anyone out there that knows Rusty personnally or someone who > can give him a message;tell him to contact me @ swaylocks thru the board > page,I WOULD LIKE TO CLEAR THE AIR,between us,and share ideas.This is a > good thing!!!REMEMBER, we are all human,and share the same > world.Aloha,Herb. Your kidding, right? Go back in your one car garage and take down all the bruce lee pictures, get a life…

Your kidding, right? Go back in your one car garage and take down all the > bruce lee pictures, get a life… Right on Monkeyboy! I second that…

You guys aso cool! It’s not where you build, it’s how you build.By the way where’s you boards?I don’t see any of yours in the showcase. I BET YOU CAN’T EVEN SURF,like they say in Dog Town,“SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW”,but you won’t because you’re to cool!By the way you are traceable.

You guys aso cool! It’s not where you build, it’s how you build.By the > way where’s you boards?I don’t see any of yours in the showcase. I BET YOU > CAN’T EVEN SURF,like they say in Dog Town,“SHOW WHAT YOU > KNOW”,but you won’t because you’re to cool!By the way you are > traceable. Man you really need to chill you burned people out at harbours board with this talk now here? your not all that, take a pill and go surf

Rich Harbour is a close friend of mine not just some board.If you don’t like what I have to say that’s your problem, this site is for surfboard information.By the way how’s that methadone treatment going for you?

You guys aso cool! It’s not where you build, it’s how you build.By the > way where’s you boards?I don’t see any of yours in the showcase. I BET YOU > CAN’T EVEN SURF,like they say in Dog Town,“SHOW WHAT YOU > KNOW”,but you won’t because you’re to cool!By the way you are > traceable. I’m so sick of hearing about your SUPERCHARGER on every surf related board, give it a rest! As far as the way I surf and what I ride, I’m not going to bore others w/ that. Traceable? Is that some kind of joke? Like the REENFORCED SPLIT_TAIL.

.I knew you were just a lot of hot air.No boards? No balls.

Rich Harbour is a close friend of mine not just some board.If you don’t > like what I have to say that’s your problem, this site is for surfboard > information.By the way how’s that methadone treatment going for you? Treatments are fine Slick, you are becoming quite a joke But really fun to bug I’m sure life is good in Herb’s little world should I be impressed that your a good friend of Mr. Harbour I think Rich’s boards are fantastic also Rusty’s That’s about all for now. Later

Ivan - What do you mean bore us with the way you surf and what boards your ride?? That is what we come here to talk and learn about. As far a Herb’s supercharger goes, I know I’m not alone when I say that I’m interested, Herb came to us with what sounds like an interesting discovery and was willing to share the info with us. That is what I think Swaylock had in mind when he setup this rad forum. I’m sorry it took a 15 year old to clear it all up for you.

Very well said Brandon.>>> Ivan - What do you mean bore us with the way you surf and what boards your > ride?? That is what we come here to talk and learn about. As far a Herb’s > supercharger goes, I know I’m not alone when I say that I’m interested, > Herb came to us with what sounds like an interesting discovery and was > willing to share the info with us. That is what I think Swaylock had in > mind when he setup this rad forum. I’m sorry it took a 15 year old to > clear it all up for you.