to the surf mat riders ....


Hi Ben -


When I've had a camera with me, a one hand hold on the bungie (camera in the other) has saved my bacon...."   <snip>




....hi John !


  I just revisited this old thread  [matt has a surfmat now , thanks to his lady !] , and came across this pre go-pro days comment , and I was wondering .....


  do you still have any of the resulting photos , please ?


  cheers !



Hi Ben -  I don't have any 'in-the-tube' shots if that's what you're after.  I'm a real kook at photography so I'm afraid these will have to do. 

.....nice !


wow !


 first shot =  mike p??  


THE " MIKE P " ???


thanks John ! 


?taken with a kodak disposable camera , or a vivitar waterproof  ?


  fun fun fun


 and it looks C O L D    , too ...


  cheers !



Yes - Mike P. himself.  I hope he doesn't mind.  He's a really good surfer but the photo doesn't show it.

I don't remember the water being as cold as the wetsuits may indicate.  I think I might have been using a Canon 35mm film camera in a EWA waterproof bag on some of the shots.  Digital photography/video equipment has come a long way in a short period of time.  Some of the 'Go-Pro' stuff I've seen looks very professional.



…eight years down the track from my original post , Simon generously bought me a krypt mat for my 54th birthday [3rd january]


  yewwww !


  …to be continued…


I can take this in a backpack to the beach with me , on public transport.


And , it being summer , 'if ’ for some reason I get to the beach ‘late’, and the flags are up , the good news is …I can ride it , between the flags !


 so… early grommethood revisited , here I COME [again] !!


"IF " I get proficient / confident enough , I ‘may’ also take the trusty go pro 1 along , for the ride !


  yeeehaaaawwwww !


  stoked !


  of course , if anyone has photos to contribute to this thread of surf mats being surfed , go for it !!


  cheers !



Happy B-Day, Ben!  Mike

thanks  Mike !


  greenough has a fair few years on me eh ?


[  and light years more talent !]

… shots of my brother , on HIS , recently !






photo 00_zps4a80c441.jpg

photo 2_zps16ccd63a.jpg

photo 0_zpsbf16aa7a.jpg

photo 5_zps70d7182e.jpg

photo 4_zpsadde2b16.jpg

photo 3_zpsc8a910c9.jpg

photo 8_zps7fb39778.jpg


[ I also got footage ]