I was at Hansen’s in Encinitas a while back and saw a fin there that was designed by Tom Morey, the thickness of this fin was 1/3 the length of the base of the fin. There was some mention of this being the result of some hydrodynamic principle. Has anyone tried one of these fins or something similar? Jon
I was at Hansen’s in Encinitas a while back and saw a fin there that was > designed by Tom Morey, the thickness of this fin was 1/3 the length of the > base of the fin. There was some mention of this being the result of some > hydrodynamic principle. Has anyone tried one of these fins or something > similar?>>> Jon, I haven’t been in Hansen’s for a while, they’ve taken all of the hand shape designs we’ve done for them and gotten them Thai-d, looks like then end of the custom board from them. But back to the fin base width, I’m assuming the base must be at least an inch or more thick, I did a series of boards in the early 70’s for one of my riders on Maui with thick, radical foils. The problem was that surfboards go so incredibly slow compared to other air and water craft that this type of foil is not practical. At the max speed a board goes, it would get an abnormal low pressure on one side of the fin, then the other side. The board would start to gyrate from side to side in the tail, until it finally , for a lack of a better description, spun out. Not what you want approaching the bowl section at Honolua.
Jim, Thank you for the information. Jon