Tom Sterne...

Hey Tom - I was out of town and just saw your new board posted. Nice shape, nice color, nice detail - nice job!

Hey Tom - I was out of town and just saw your new board posted. Nice > shape, nice color, nice detail - nice job!..Yeah, that is a sweet looking stick! Tom, how much rocker did you end up with? Is this board for you?

I just got back in town myself and saw your posts. Thanks for all the great feedback from the crew at Swaylock’s on this. The way I see it, this is a reflection of all of the great talent and aloha spirit that floats around this site. This board was one of those spec. type projects that ended up getting sold the closer to completion it got. I had an extra blank and it turned into a winter project board. No hurry to finish it and just a lot of fun working with the it went through. The N rocker ended up at 4 3/4" and the T rocker at 4 1/4". The guy who bought it wanted something traditional in weight and outline but with a little spice added to its on edge performance. Hope I get to ride it! TS>>> Hey Tom - I was out of town and just saw your new board posted. Nice > shape, nice color, nice detail - nice job!