Tom Wegener in Europe

Hi all.

Tom Wegener is coming to Europe late July and will be touring all over sharing the stoke of his innovative & creative timber craft as well as getting involved in film projects.

In particular Tom is looking to hold a number of instructional and practical workshops on the subject of Alaia craft. Tom is basically the primary force behind the resurgence of interest in these amazing craft and he is keen to share. If you meet him on his travels he is friendly, inspiring and always stoked on talking timber, but if you want to guarantee a meet with him and walk away with a handcrafted Alaia, you would do well to get a ticket for one of the Alaia day workshops he is running on 21st, 22nd, and 28th of August in Newquay, Cornwall.

You can get more details on these events at the Prone to Belly Blog (, which celebrates timber craft with a focus on prone surfing, tea and cake.

Just thought I’d let folk know.

If you have any questions, please fire away…

I have been riding my Alaia since march 2008 and it’s pretty much the most flexible, practical surf craft I have ever owned and it only takes up a small space between a sofa and sideboard in my flat, so much stoke from a beutiful, lightweight piece of timber, it has to be the future…