Tom Wegener Surfboards: YouTube Clips

i made a promo for tom a few years back & finally got around to posting it up on youtube:

thought a few people on sways would like a look.

i also made a second promo recently featuring tom’s olos & alaias. i’ll get around to youtubing that too.

What a cool trailer. Dug it. Alex’s surfing always amazes me, 100 percent unique for sure.

Big fan of TW’s boards and website since TSJ article–guy looks like he’s having the most fun to me and wood just can’t be beat…

I know just where to hang this clip too…

Nathan that quad frame sure is a great way to pack content into a timeframe–great stuff–hope you get around there again with one of his fish on tap–or a broad sampler of the paulownia quiver being ridden


Nice! I love all boarding, but that makes longboarding look especially fun, at least on those relaxing days. Sometimes I just want to rip, but others its just about laying back and having fun, and these boards look like they do just that. I guess it’s good to have variety.

Thanks for posting that clip Oldy, really interesting, Tom’s a stoked guy, and he makes it all look like fun !

Tom is certainly right about Paulownia, I notice that he says that Cedar is too heavy, it isn’t really though, with care Western Red Cedar can make a board of similar weight to a Paulownia board, or even lighter, look at Paul Jensen’s boards.


Nice work, Nathan! I look forward to seeing the promo for the ancient boards when you have some time to complete it.

There should be disclaimers on Tom’s website that say, “Warning: Buying a Wegener board will not make you surf like the Joker.” Few surfers can equal his skill and style on those boards, in my opinion.

great stuff, man. you have quite a gift.

very cool little bit of insight.

thanks for the feedback fellas. just about to post up the second short now.

here it is:

Nice. Very.


Thanks for posting the second promo! I am so happy that people can now see the ancient boards in moving pictures. I just checked it out and that one ride on the Olo makes my heart skip lots of beats.

The wood board thing and the Ancient replicas just give surfing new worlds of surfing enjoyment. Also, the finless side of surfing and the boards with fins side of surfing actually complement eachother. I feel as though I surf and understand my own boards much better now than I did two years ago.

If anyone has questions about the boards after seeing the second promo on you tube, I will do my best to answer them.


Tom Wegener

…up up for you man

we surfers needs more real surf and surfers and less marketing and Industry crap

keep em comin

Oldy, thanks for putting that together! Beautiful! Very cool! Tom, looks like you got your bottom right on the 12 footer for sure. No excessive rocker to slow you down… Your boards even LOOK fast because they ARE flying down the line… Even the D fin makes good sense… I like the lines you’re drawing and your boards connect sections sooo nicely… Awesome work and inspiring surfing! Aloha

I don’t get it. Those Youtube links don’t work for me. Please tell me how this is supposed to work.



I don’t get it. Those Youtube links don’t work for me. Please tell me how this is supposed to work.


Highlight the link address - right click - copy… Paste it into your address bar and voila! Sit back and watch a very cool video clip… I added the links below… They may work now by clicking on them… If not, follow the above instructions… Aloha

First one…

Second one…

12 to 16 kilos… 12 feet, 16 feet… hard to ride…

didn’t we (those older among us) go through a revolution to NOT do this? 35 years ago and more?

hey but you surf pretty good.

Thank you- you are the best!

Hey Tom,

I thought I saw a flare to the tail outline on the alaias maybe? Please correct me or discuss?


Great stuff

thanks heaps , Nathan , for posting these links !

I loved the switchfoot takeoffs and cutties Tom …It sure looks like you’re having FUN , to me !

And those explanations of the board and fin [for this “visuals” addict] , made more sense and clarity to me than pages and pages of reading ever did [but that’s just me]

cheers !

…and keep up the stoke , Tom ! [GREAT to have you here … I LOVE your website !]
