Tom Wegener Surfboards: YouTube Clips

Wow, Nathan, can you post a picture of it? How are the joints sealed? That's what I want to do some day!

janklow: finally remembered to take some pics of the wegener fish as you requested. i apologise for the low quality, it’s just a cheap borrowed digi.

there’s a bit of flash bounce because i just oiled the board & it’s nice & shiny.

as i said, poor pictures but hopefully you get the idea. the board’s just about to head north with a friend to the fish fry so anyone going there will be able to check it out.

Thanks for posting those oldy. Really well done vids, when I have the extra $ I’ll try and pic up a copy of LFAP.

I really enjoyed seeing those ancient shapes being ridden as well. Makes me curious to see/feel how something like that would ride. Pure Old School! :wink:

I am also curious about Tom’s fish you put pictures up of. It looks like a vent plug down on one of the wings. Is it made by building up the layers of paulonia, much as his longboards are done? (I am thinking of what I saw in Sprout) What is the weight of it?

thanks for the feedback about the clips johan.

yes that is a vent plug at the tail, & yes his fish are made with the same technique as his longboards. i’ve never weighed the fish, but it’s surprisingly light, since it isn’t glassed (just oiled timber).