tom wegeners apprentice

hello everyone. my name is Matt Williams i am 17 yers old and work for tom wegener at his factory in cooroy. making wood boards is the best thing ever.

hopfully i can talk to other wood board shapers and just down to earth surfers like my self.

peace. matt

Aloha Matt, and welcome. I’m sure there will be many interested people here to work with and who will be interested in what you are doing w/ Tom.

Good luck and thanks for posting.

alrighty, then. soooo. how does he do it? step by step. aaaannnnddddddd…GO!.. and readdddy. go

A bit of related ‘trivia’ , Matt …

‘Oldy’ here [Film maker / teacher / family man Nathan Oldfield] got some nice footage in Tom’s “factory” , as well as good water and land footage of Tom surfing his beautiful boards.Nathan used it in his “Lines From A Poem” longboarding dvd …

so, anyway …WELCOME , Matt !

good to have you on board , mate !

what a GREAT place to live and work . (I’m sure you will learn HEAPS !!)



cooroy hey


i grew up on the sunny coast

and in the hinterland

welcome to sways matt

Say hi to Tom from Roger and Saf and thank him for tour of the factory etc.


Quote: and readdddy. go

i’ve been through it extensively…makes it look WAAYYYYYY too easy…there MUST be something else

Aloha Matt,

You are very fortunate to have Tom as a mentor and teacher. You wouldn’t be there if you weren’t good and a good guy, so I suspect he is glad to have you too. In a recent correspondence with Tom, we discussed helping others learn. Tom mentioned an elderly gentlemen furniture craftsman, who he admires and is learning from as well. So many “masters” guard their so-called secrets which is unfortunate for those with a passion and respect to learn and continue a craft. You’ll find many guys here on Sway who are masters, but willing to give earnestly of their knowledge. I remember when Jim Phillips (jimthegenius) took the time to relate a lot of his balsa board “secrets” to me. I’m always happy to offer what little woodworking knowledge I’ve learned over the years.

A friend here owns one of Tom’s boards (sig. model) and treasures it. If you guys are ever passing by the islands, stop in for a mai-tai.

Enjoy the ride!


Hi Matt!

Good for you! thats sounds awesome.


…i think i’m jealous, your shaping with Tom Wegener and Thekingofdub is shaping at a local longboard factory making heaps of boards while i surf chop and do tests at school.

G’day Matt, Rob from Sydney here, welcome to sways mate, here you will find an infinite number of informative threads on anything you can imagine and also an endless amount of extremely experienced, talented and generous guys that are everwilling to help out anyway they can.

about a year and a half ago I became a member here knowing NOTHING about surfboard design or how to build one, I was keen to build a timber board, all I could ever need was found or sourced through swaylocks, this site made it possible for me to build a board that I am very proud of.

congratulations mate, you have become part of a great site, and dare I say it, a great brotherhood of sorts. enjoy mate.


what’s it like working with Pawlonia versus balsa?

Super light?

Easy to shape?

Easy to glass(no gassing)?

That stuff’s almost impossible to get here in quantity in the US