....too weird for me ????

…i got this yesterday …

curiousity [and cheap price] got the better of me …

[reminds me a bit of hicksy’s ‘R.E.E.F.’ system …??]

i haven't had a chance to ride it yet , but hopefully soon when the swell and crowds drop ... 

paz took one look at it and commented "i don’t want to risk wasting a good surf " hahahahhh … i can see his point , actually

if i had a back set of fcs plugs in my mal , i’d think of using this to slow the board down for noseriding


has anyone here ridden one of these ?

if so , on what size board , and how did it go ??



…the only one of my boards with THREE sets of fcs plugs , is the [still needing to be repaired] 6’5 byrne roadkill thruster …

"…the only one of my boards with THREE sets of fcs plugs , is the [still needing to be repaired] 6’5 byrne roadkill thruster … "

okay , here it is , on said board …

nothing’s too weird for you old chipper!

hey go easy on the ‘old’ , ‘youngy’ !! heheee

well, THIS is a setup i also have yet to ride , but if someone had one here , i ‘guess’ i 'might ’ give it a go , mate ??

the ‘shredda’ …


hey go easy on the ‘old’ , ‘youngy’ !! heheee

well, THIS is a setup i also have yet to ride , but if someone had one here , i ‘guess’ i 'might ’ give it a go , mate ??

the ‘shredda’ …

That picture above is just sooooo wrong…

hi mate

maybe , like the ‘different’ thread it came from , we could post your 'R.E.E.F 's here too ?

how many prototypes shall you make , i wonder ??

i figure young sir josh might like to try the tun’l on his fcs’ed mal , at Avoca point , and possibly your 'r.e.e.f. ’ [a bigger version] on his fin boxed mal ?

cheers !


…well, i bought the second " tun’l " today [i figure no-one else would?!]. this one is blue …

but no , my plugs are not so far from the rail that i could do a 'twin tun’l ’ setup [ fortunately ] …


Nice textured deck for back foot traction, and the combination carrying handle and leash attachment is interesting. What’s the bottom look like?
