
Hi want to get into shaping and just wondered if you guys could help me by explaining what kinds of tools i need and what their use are. Thanks And before you say it …yeah i know IM A KOOK.

Hi want to get into shaping and just wondered if you guys could help me by > explaining what kinds of tools i need and what their use are. Thanks>>> And before you say it …yeah i know IM A KOOK…No,not a KOOK…but a rookie for sure…that’s okay everyone has to start somewhere,and Swaylock’s is the best place to start! …use the ARCHIVES,AND GET A COPY OF J.C.'s Shaping 101,then when the questions arise come back on line, there’s lots of talented people here willing to help you get a good start, …good luck,rookie!..Herb

Hi want to get into shaping and just wondered if you guys could help me by > explaining what kinds of tools i need and what their use are. Thanks>>> And before you say it …yeah i know IM A KOOK… Andreas, a good place to start would be to get a copy of JC’s Shaping 101 video. It has a good segment on tools, plus alot of other things you will want to know. All you really need to start is a sureform a hand saw a 4"x 11" sanding block, 40 and 80 grit sandpaper and a small block plane. Take your time and have FUN! Scott W.

Yeah thanks. I sort of know what most of the tools are used for but there is this one that every time i read that bloody word “surefrom” i loose the plot. Maybe its because english isn’t my first language.

Yeah thanks. I sort of know what most of the tools are used for but there > is this one that every time i read that bloody word “surefrom” i > loose the plot. Maybe its because english isn’t my first language…A sureform is like a cheese grater and is handy for removing foam real fast.

Thanks i’ve already ordered the glassing and shaping 101 videos. (did in fact earlier today). But there the dreaded word came again in scotts reply “sureform”??? ok thanks for helping

Andreas, One thing I’ve learned from this forum is that tool choice is a matter of preference. Below is a link to a thread from the archives about tools and tool choice that may give you some perspective on what tools to use. Here’s an excerpt from the ever eloquent deeb: “I don’t own any power tools except a jigsaw, a dremel, and a rechargeable drill, if you can call those power tools. I skin, thin and shape with a block plane and a surform. In my garage (the shaping room) I have one overhead 200 watt soft white light bulb and one 4-foot flourescent. I made my stands from Home Depot scrap wood and old carpet padding. Can I still hang out with the cool people?” Also check out this thread: (I found it by searching for the word “beginner”) Also, if you look in the resources section under materials & supplies you will find many suppliers that will likely ship. I think you said you were in Australia right? Why not try Oceanfoam blanks for some foam? Hope some of this helps…and goodluck. Swaylock

Thanks i’ve already ordered the glassing and shaping 101 videos. (did in > fact earlier today). But there the dreaded word came again in scotts reply > “sureform”??? ok thanks for helping Andreas, I have tried to paste a picture of a Sureform plane for you without success. However at you can bring up a picture with the following description. Basically it is a cheesgrater used for construction purposes. Hope it helps. Magoo Surform® Plane Model 21-296 Resilient enough to use on material that would destroy a traditional bench plane Manufactured with a metallic grey die-cut alloy body Handle made of tough polypropylene Fitted with a replaceable 10"/250mm standard cut blade

Surform® Plane>>> Model 21-296>>> Resilient enough to use on material that would destroy a traditional bench > plane Manufactured with a metallic grey die-cut alloy body Handle made of > tough polypropylene Fitted with a replaceable 10"/250mm standard cut > blade Thank you all for your help

Surform® Plane>>> Model 21-296>>> Resilient enough to use on material that would destroy a traditional bench > plane Manufactured with a metallic grey die-cut alloy body Handle made of > tough polypropylene Fitted with a replaceable 10"/250mm standard cut > blade Ahh i now i know what that is

OK Bro, How did you post the shot? I pulled it up from the website, highlighted it, right click and copy, and then tried to paste it to the post. It works when I do it to a Word doc etc… but it wouldn’t on the Post Response area. By the way: Thanks. Magoo

Magoo, Its easy. From the popup page that shows the largest image of the planer go view > view source then find the code that calls for the image, copy it and paste it just past the root of the site in a browser. For example: here. This gives you the url to the image that you can cut and paste into the form at swaylocks.>>> OK Bro, How did you post the shot? I pulled it up from the website, > highlighted it, right click and copy, and then tried to paste it to the > post. It works when I do it to a Word doc etc… but it wouldn’t on the > Post Response area. By the way: Thanks. Magoo

Magoo,>>> Its easy. From the popup page that shows the largest image of the planer > go view > view source then find the code that calls for the image, copy > it and paste it just past the root of the site in a browser. For example: > here. This gives you the url to the image that > you can cut and paste into the form at swaylocks. Mike, Bro, You are da man! I guess I’m gonna breakdown and buy web page publishing for dummies so I can stumble into the new millenium! Thanks, Magoo

See the tools called Cheese Graters on the link below. Those cheese graters are sureform’s.>>> Thanks i’ve already ordered the glassing and shaping 101 videos. (did in > fact earlier today). But there the dreaded word came again in scotts reply > “sureform”??? ok thanks for helping