Top gun

All right, so it’s falsewood on top and I figured I would go for false marble on the bottom. Sorry for the bad photos, guys, actually the result is very nice to look at but I couldn’t find the right angle to show it without reflections: either too much light or not enough… It will look better when hotcoated.

…very good Balsa. Did you use pigments in larger amounts to obtain that red?..


balsa it looks really good.


…very good Balsa. Did you use pigments in larger amounts to obtain that red?..


Three cofee spoonfuls of red in roughly 650 cc of resin. Two of black in 400 cc (but used 1/3 of that…) Black poured into red, stirred lightly. Then poured the mix onto the board and squeegeed like a madman to make it in time before resin gelled (using Silmar 249A which I’m not too much used to, fires quicker than the one I previously glassed with)…

i really like that resin swirl you got going on there balsa. beautiful rich colours.

Today was hotcoat on both sides, routing out the fin-box groove, setting it. Then time to shoot some photos with the daughter (Gabrielle):

Tomorrow: sand, sand, sand. Pin-lines. Then gloss…

For bigger waves, I usually liked shorter, stubbier fins which were stiffer and more direct in feel, as anything with any kind of flex just wobbles down the face.

Most of my single fins were in the low 8" range, thick and stiff.

Lee, the fin is this one:

except it’s 9". The guy who ordered this board is 192 lbs and I figured it would suit well his powerful style. But (that’s why I chose to install a fin-box) it’s the first gun I make for him, so I wanted to play it safe so to speak: he’ll be able to change for something else if he feels like it. I personally -just like you- prefer a shorter thick fin on a gun, but I’m 180 lbs and my back foot is not very strong. I’m much more into long, drawn-out lines than into power moves. Hey, have you got a photo or template of your favorite gun fin? I’d like to see it if you don’t mind posting it some time.

…Balsa, let me thinking, that with such a bit amount of pigment, do you obtain those bright reds…

…by the way, the false wood paper is really nice…may be you can shot (more closely) a couple of photos…


Hi Reverb, if it may be of any help, the pigment brand is “West & Senior” and I got it from I’ll get you some more photos when it’s glossed and really worth looking at. Here are the only other ones I got:

Size is good for a big guy.

Kinda pivoty upright for big waves, isn’t it?

Lee, yes, maybe not enough rake -although in the photo you’ll notice that the rear of the fin is out of the wooden slot, making it look even more “straight” when it’s not SO much, actually- but we must keep in mind that our waves can be big but not as fast as, say, Hawaii. Besides, the truth is I didn’t have a huge fin choice at my dealer’s (most single fins they stock are longboard fins). Maybe I should have made it myself, now that you speak of it.

Yeah, V under legs and just in front is good for keeping the board in the water and easy banking when going fast. You can lose it out the back, makes little diff there.

Your dimensions are better than my Plumeria 8’er, as it’s thicker to resist breakage, and narrower for easier banking in bigger surf.

As expected surf gets glassier, some shapers add double concave underfoot, but for gnarly big waves, keep it simple V with soft rails in front of front foot.

The Vee makes the board ride lower in the water, and therefore more stable. This becomes especially pronounced at high speeds and in choppy conditions. I like it Vee into flat at the tail (with an appropriate rocker line).

Still, the newer Stretch quads being ridden by several top surfers are concave to help them come off a turn harder.

I suspect it depends on how often and at what level you are doing it…the top surfers want more maneuverability.

OK, this is two or three days later, board has been sanded, pinlines drawn, here are some shots of the gloss:

Tomorrow is gonna be wet sanding, polishing, buffing and hopefully showing you the finished board… 23:15 PM here, time to go to bed. Good night everybody…

Love it!

Very Nice Balsa…

Glad to see foam is not a problem for you.

I still go gaa-gaa for cool restin tints.

You playing drums still???



that’s looking great Billy !

you probably want to surf it , don’t you ?!


you play drums too ?

Hey Basswave, I had to sell my drum-kit one year ago or so and have been out of practice ever since but planning to get back into it as soon as money gets better… Are you a drummer, too? If so, what would you recommend for a beginner? I bought a beginner’s set, including seat, cymbals, charleston, five drums. Drums were OK (more or less) but cymbals were hopeless… All for something like 60 $, new. Any suggestion? My drum teacher told me that Tama sets were great. What do you think?

Thank goodness the late Keith Moon never had access to a planer eh ?


Hey Basswave, I had to sell my drum-kit one year ago or so and have been out of practice ever since but planning to get back into it as soon as money gets better… Are you a drummer, too? If so, what would you recommend for a beginner? I bought a beginner’s set, including seat, cymbals, charleston, five drums. Drums were OK (more or less) but cymbals were hopeless… All for something like 60 $, new. Any suggestion? My drum teacher told me that Tama sets were great. What do you think?

Bass player here…Yep Tama is the best bang for your buck. Good choice.

