toughts about weight/strengh for what it's worth

As an experienced garage shaper interested in technolgy who build boards for surf mates for long time i try all kind of tech to make light but durable boards. years after years my mates want stronger boards, so i made them stronger stiffer and heavier. they like them so i though my shape progress. last days à guy want me to repair is way to fragile carbon warp super light, he complain about chatter and durability, i give him ones of mine heavy board to wait. he come back, he like the board, no chatter, drive… the shape is a basic hp shortboard like everyone 6x19x2’3/8 in the 28l range but at 2’8kg it’s on heavy side. build 1.9 eps, carbon/glass omega stringer, 2x4oz bottom, 9oz biax+4oz deck all layers wrap rails, sanded poly gloss finish. i take care to be at this weight with all this material, seal foam, minimal resin use, cut laps and preps but it’s heavy, my skin are stiff hard to dings,  boards lightly foot wells, rails overprotected no more leak repairs. but no one complain about stiffness, chatter, blabla any more i only have fins repair but they know way…

So eps epoxy need to be build strong and heavy ! LOL

I have quite a similar opinion.

I build my boards to last.

Weight is not a big concern for me.

2lbs foam (30kg/m³), mostly stringerless, sealed blanks, cutlaps, 5+5 bottom, 5+5+5 (patch) deck.

Usually they don´t get dents.

When my surfbuddies buy my used boards, they are always stunned how well they hold up.

Most of the boards look brand new after 3 years of use, travelling by car and by airplane.

I had only one repair on a board of mine. My wife surfed in shallow water und got the fins (quad) stuck into the ground. One fin wrenched out of the fcs plug and pierced into the glas behind the plug. No plug was damaged.

I like that my boards are quite carefree and easy to travel with.

The surfshop board is featherlight because thats what the pros ride , but the pros dont buy boards , and if the board manufactuers built very durable boards they would sell less boards .

Shhh!  Quiet about the five oz.