trash boogies!

This has nothing to do with design,…but just a reminder…when summer ends for some folks, their kids’ boogie boards are sitting by the curb awaiting ye local trashman. Scoop up a few! (you’ve probably all sussed this out, already) Cut the beater boogies into size appropriate strips with a stanley knife…then razor slits to accommodate nose or tails. They make kick-ass bumpers, and are superior for packing!..the shameless scrounger!!

That boogie foam makes excellent sanding blocks too. You make stiff backboards out of wood in whatever shape. Glue the foam to the backer, then glue sandpaper to the foam. Make identical types with progressive grits of sandpaper. I also mount 40 grit paper directly onto wood for fast foam removal. It gouges out foam chunks. I shape blanks with nothing more than these blocks. -Noodle>>> This has nothing to do with design,…but just a reminder…when summer > ends for some folks, their kids’ boogie boards are sitting by the curb > awaiting ye local trashman. Scoop up a few! (you’ve probably all sussed > this out, already) Cut the beater boogies into size appropriate strips > with a stanley knife…then razor slits to accommodate nose or tails. They > make kick-ass bumpers, and are superior for packing!..the shameless > scrounger!!

DOH!..Amen,Noodle! you are certainly using yours! That’s why this site is so great…you pick up a lot of the best of your bros’ habits! thanks! T.

One person’s junk is another man’s treasure…I steal my wife’s foam nail file.Herb.

What type of glue do you use to glue the sandpaper to the foam? Is the paper easily removeable? In the auto paint and body industry, there is a glue made by 3M called feathering disc adhesive. You apply it to the paper, smear in on the disc of the sander and wait a few seconds for it to tack. It then works much like contact cement, yet the paper is easily removed and replaced. Usually the first application of the glue will work for about 6 paper changes. Aloha That boogie foam makes excellent sanding blocks too. You make stiff > backboards out of wood in whatever shape. Glue the foam to the backer, > then glue sandpaper to the foam. Make identical types with progressive > grits of sandpaper.>>> I also mount 40 grit paper directly onto wood for fast foam removal. It > gouges out foam chunks. I shape blanks with nothing more than these > blocks.>>> -Noodle

I steal my wife’s hard nail files for small details. I need to check out the foam things. Thanks.

What type of glue do you use to glue the sandpaper to the foam? Is the > paper easily removeable? In the auto paint and body industry, there is a > glue made by 3M called feathering disc adhesive. You apply it to the > paper, smear in on the disc of the sander and wait a few seconds for it to > tack. It then works much like contact cement, yet the paper is easily > removed and replaced. Usually the first application of the glue will work > for about 6 paper changes. Aloha Thanks for the glue tip. I’ve used contact cement. It sticks too hard to remove. But then I’ve used elmer and 3M spray craft glues, and they release prematurely. Imagine! …me having that problem [wink] The same thing happens sanding with power pads. The disks usually take something out in flight.

I steal my wife’s hard nail files for small details. I need to check out > the foam things. Thanks… Hey Noodle,(before you do the noodle dance,P.B.& J.OTTER style)let me tell you that they come in a small variety of fine grits to a builder. There about 4" long-rectangle/squared and have 3 sides covered with wet/dry paper???of different grits …anywho they last along time if not overly used.Also if your looking for a combo pad I found a tile sponge or a school eraser works great!Herb.(I’ll go see if Mike @ the river’s end still has any of those washed-up boogies stored.THANKS.

The feathering disc adhesive is available at most full line automotive paint stores that carry 3M products, if not in stock they can order it. That stuff will stick an 80 grit 6" diameter disc to a DA sander pad and will stay on up to 6000 RPMs. The only thing that will make the disc fly off at that RPM is if you get too aggresive which causes the glue to soften from the heat caused by friction, but that’s on a steel bodied car. I don’t think you could possibly encounter that problem with foam. I will try to remember to check the part number of the stuff over the weekend and post it on Monday. Aloha, OL

HERBERT!..How dare you! If I catch you in my cosmetics case again, I’ll pour carpenter’s glue on your planer barrel while you’re out surfing! - Millicent!!!

Noodle, Why have to try to remember with this computer to work with. Went to 3M site and found the part number. Feathering Disc Adhesive, Type II-Part #051135-08051. 3M dealer/store location phone is: (877) 366-2746. Hope this helps, if you try this stuff, let me know how you like it. As I remember it’s about $6 for a 5 ounce tube.>>> Aloha, OL

When removing your old sand paper from disc pads or blocks,take it off when the pad/block is warmed/after use.IF THE PAD/BLOCK IS COLD:use a hairdryer or a heat gun th warm up the goop.This will make for easy/clean removal.Herb