A few weeks ago I read a post about a salvagable board someone found in the trash. I thought there might be intrest in a thread dedicated to all time great garbage can salvage jobs.
Here’s mine:
Shortly after I moved to San Diego for school, I found a 7’6" single fin Music! in the dumpster in my student apartment complex. I had never surfed before but I was eager to try. It had a few small dings, but I looked up ding repair on the internet and patched it up myself. Along the way, I discovered the board was shaped by some guy named Rus Priesendorfer, probably sometime in the 70’s. I never found a number on it, but I was as carrying it to the beach one day when some guy rolls up on his bike and starts asking me a bunch of questions about it. Turns out its Rusty himself, who dated it in the 74-76 and offered to buy it. I thought about trading up for a board better suited to learning, but ultimatley decided there were plenty of Rusty boards out there, but not so many from the 70s when Rusty would have been just another kid shaping surfboards in his garage for his friends. Its rails have definitely seen better days and Its had a fin-job at some point in its life but overall its in remarkable condition given the fact that it was resuced from a dumpster. Like an idiot, I let my nephew ride it a few times and he brought it back in worse condition than it was when I found it.
Anyway, there’s my trash can treasure story, there have to be others out there, lets see 'em!