travel board status...?

did the trael board travel?

who got it now/

is it on the way to oregon?

did rooster git it?

if it’s stalled in sandiego maybe riddle can bring it home when he comes soon.

inquiring minds wanna knew…

if it’s here everybody an access it easier than…annomyous garages in the dark

let it see the light…


chipper wants to see the photos…

is it on its way to wales?

Roses are red

Violets are blue

The board was at Plaskett

And now in Santa Cruz

Well…Carmel anyway.

Rooster has got it,

Two-part bag, fins and all.

The book; mea culpa, mea culpa

Was left in San Diego,

In the garage next to the wall.

I will forward the book and Rooster will know,

The story of riders and writers,

The board’s to and fro.

None of them poets, especially not me,

But all of them rode it,

The board from Kauai.

errr… wellll…

I have the two part board bag. It somehow was left behind. I was the last to leave and picked it up. Will connect with Mike Sedgwick and get it back where it belongs.

I thought Darren and the UCSD guys took it north when they went surfing. I figured they left the bag to save space. Just before they left for home I found out they didn’t have the travel board. DOH!

Ambrose and friends,

The board is safe and in good hands. I had to leave early to get my wife to her seminar. I grabbed it and three fins. The last north swell pulled more sand out at my favorite break (it looked like small Backdoor on Sunday)and it will be ridden and passed on. I’m just waiting for the travel book and looking and holding the board. What a beauty. Who scored the old block plane at the raffle? Mike

yea and verily

may all the spirits

here and gone

hither and yon

be praised for their efforts

and goodwill.

chanticleer in the corner

by the bottom of the steps

extending linear movement

of the spirit of the gift

we all have been given

on the water planet

home of the galactic pilots

who will ride waves across the cosmos

one day,

whilst alone

a dream was wrought

of a child who would swim effortlessly amongst

waves of proportion beyond his belief

the dream came true.

and the water wasn’t cold.


Go rooster!

HO and O why and pray tell do thos of us on the right coast become blessed by the travelling board???