Just shaped a new board yesterday and thought id try my hand at painting the blank with some acrylic water based paint, using a sponge brush. all was going ok but the colours i chose didn’t really work once on the board, i tried to use the darker colour over the lighter one to make it just the one colour but ofcourse this did not happen! it looks utterly shithouse and so i thought ok, since i cannot seem to think of away to remove this paint,i might try spraying some white primer over it and maybe start again,… Now i am just waiting for the primer to dry before i repaint it.
Anyhow,after all this can anyone tell me if polyester resin is even going to bond to this mess?? Do any of you or have any of you ever laminated over regular acrylic spray paint?? i will be repainting over the spray paint with water based paints. the blank is PU.
what was the primer you used? using a sponge brush was a mistake. OK for some small stuff maybe, better with a roller. a quality roller that is. at this point without seeing the mess I would give it a few days to dry do a light sanding. use a acrylic primer and start over.
others might have a better solution by using an opaque resin.
cheers guys,i just let it dry primed it with white acrylic primer and the repainted it with one colour,came out fine,although there is a noticable weight difference. Next time i will just use my spray gun.