SO whadda topic…
the three stringer craze of signature models was a STUDY
the coolest renditiion of the ‘offset’ variable was a facination.
Upon the heads of the ‘My favorite star in hermosa’
entertained justifications constructed on the fly.
the leader of the facination was the 'baby’prophet
Phil Edwards.he did it for weight
two boards for the north shore I believe
surfing hollow days shows a cameo shot of the two
I seem comfortable to believe
those two boards were heavy.
four 12’’ redwood stringers on one
all offset of center…
when the ''Me Too ''wave of signature models followed we saw
each mfg try a distinctive offset to make their model Identifiable from twenty feet away…
the Phil hobie was 6’’
the hynson was seven 'so was the takeyama
the doyle was three…?
and then the greatest stringer maven of all time was gordie
his ‘’‘you cant touch this was the M.C. hammer award winning champ of all time’’
if gordie wasnt a shop teacher,he shoulda been…
curved stringers intersecting multiples…
so as the man says do it anyway you like
weight way out on the rails will have a form of stablizing effect.
the more wood yo add the smoother the ride.
and the more sherpas you will have to hire to carry your board…
this is a job for a photo archive teleporter
the thousand words per picture
are in order… captain picard would say
to the photo guy on the bridge
‘‘make it so’’