True spirit of Swaylocks

This is a true story, the names have not been changed.

I finally met Ben “Chipfish61” on Saturday with my 3 little girls. We had a chat about this and that, felt each others boards, ogled at different shapes etc and went for a surf down at Triggs. 60 guys out not much fun but we spent the time together like we’d known each other for a while.

We got back to his place and he pulls out one of his boards, one that he rebuilt himself from an old Mal AND HE LENT IT TO MY GIRLS, threw in a couple of fins and said, “use this over this summer because I haven’t known anyone that could use this”, it hasn’t even had wax on it.

My girls are over the moon and now think that Ben is their uncle.

Ben, you are the spirit of surfing, good to have met you and look forward to seeing you again soon.

The light blue one



You’ve nailed it.

i agree. be is the most awesome guy ever, so full of stoke. a model surfer.

Cheers! Ben.

Gotta give props to Ben/Chip myself - he’s always right up there to answer my questions and very generous with his knowledge.

Gotta also give some props to Kirk Putnam and LeeV. Lee was very helpful with information I requested on a board he had made, leading to connecting with Kirk. Kirk was instrumental in my aquisition of my Pescado. Didn’t know me from anyone and yet was willing to talk to me on the phone and help me order my board when I was having problems (being 2000 miles away).

Big mahalos to you all…

Ho’opili i ke kai – Tied together by the ocean

wow, THANKS for the kind words , people… I’m blown away !

[ I’m not really used to it, I usually cop crap, instead … probably because, as I’m more than aware of, I may come across a bit pedantic sometimes on some issues…it’s a part of me that needs working on ! Please bear with me. Thanks for your patience…]

But, yeah, I REALLY do appreciate the people here, too. It’s GREAT to have knowledgeable, friendly people to talk surfboards with, it’s a big part/passion of my life [… SOME would say it’s my WHOLE life ! …to them I say, Nah, not REALLY , I also skate: -

and, I have been known to take the occassional photo from time to time, too !]

By the way, everyone… Hicksy’s wood boards look even more awesome in ‘the flesh’!

[and , he neglected to mention …he very kindly let me have a paddle on his wood mal, too. He also has the ‘spirit of swaylocks’ !] Hicksy, if you’re reading this, THANKS mate !! I hope the girls get some good little peelers on the board !

I DEFINATELY want to have another go on your boards [especially that wooden mal of yours again!!] on a less crowded day…maybe an early one saturday or sunday…OR, do you have any 'sick ’ days / rostered day offs ['R.D.O.'s] owing , during the weekdays at all ? …If you like, maybe we could get some photos to post here , showing everyone how much I suck at surfing … you know , just for a reality check !]

…"one day I’ll learn how to get to my feet BEFORE I hit the bottom turn…chip " / "uncle ben "

After viewing the horror in Hawaii thread, this thread brings me back to what most of us want from surfing and life.


I have a “short list” of folks I have talked with here and on another BB who I simply have to meet at some point, folks who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to provide stoke and help whenever possible. Chip is on the top of my list, and when I finally get around to visiting australia, I will certainly be knocking at his door…

So be expecting me, ok ben? I’ll bring along some of my more funky shapes. :slight_smile:


I have a “short list” of folks I have talked with here and on another BB who I simply have to meet at some point, folks who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to provide stoke and help whenever possible. Chip is on the top of my list, and when I finally get around to visiting australia, I will certainly be knocking at his door…

So be expecting me, ok ben? I’ll bring along some of my more funky shapes. :slight_smile:

yeah Shwuz !!

ANY time…you’re WELCOME buddy !

we can laugh at each other’s funky boards , and accents !

…It was PRICELESS, the silence at the other end of the phone … when I finally got through to ‘gator…’

… he had to translate my “aussie” accent into “cali-speak”, I guess ! (Plus, with no long distance ‘beeps’ on the call, maybe he was terrified I was lurking in a phone booth 100 yards away or something !!)

Jarrod, please bring ‘pingu’ if / when you come !! …and , your bonzer !! [I’ve never ridden either!]


You know, in looking for a penguin image for my logo lam on that board, I almost used a pingu image. If I had only known the aussie cult following pingu had, it would have been a no-brainer.


Chip keeps us fresh and excited with his posts

And all the older and wiser swaylockers keep us pointed in the right direction.

Everyone seems to have something to contribute

Defintely a good place to be…

Other than in some 4-5 foot glassy waves somewhere.

Hey Ben

You are welcome to use any of my boards any time. Really need to go somewhere quieter. And as a special offer I’ll even let you ride the new stubbie. The girls have just about finished their (parentally assisted) artwork so it’s just about ready for some glass.

You should come up to my place for a few drinkie poos and a feed when I do this because you said you wanted to try epoxy on your next board, might be this weekend sometime. If you are interested I’ll give you a day and time.



Hicksy, Ben…

Hicksy, I’ve still got to see your hollow in the flesh, Why dont I chuck my 3 hollows in the ute and we can catch up for a paddle.

Ben one of them is a hollow fish, I’d be interested in seeing what you thought.

BTW that tip in Balcatta must have had a few gems thrown its way.




Hey Ben

You are welcome to use any of my boards any time. Really need to go somewhere quieter. And as a special offer I’ll even let you ride the new stubbie. The girls have just about finished their (parentally assisted) artwork so it’s just about ready for some glass.

You should come up to my place for a few drinkie poos and a feed when I do this because you said you wanted to try epoxy on your next board, might be this weekend sometime. If you are interested I’ll give you a day and time.



I’ll take you up on the feed, but pass on the poo thanks hickster…I eat enough of that when I surf !

yeah, thanks Hicksy…I’d LOVE to see and smell the epoxy being done mate !! [I cleverly forgot the name of the supplier you mentioned, so I haven’t bought any for the 5’ 9 yet…may still go with the blue spray and 4oz top and bottom lammed and fillered with polyester on THIS one

…BUT, the 6’ 9 " stringerless blank * sits in the corner , mocking me…]

  • =


Chip keeps us fresh and excited with his posts

or , scratching our heads

 And , all the older and wiser swaylockers keep ...**CHIPPER **... pointed in the right direction. 

yep, in the words of pink floyd … " got to keep the Loonies on the path " …

Everyone seems to have something to contribute er yes… yes…I do … Definately a good place to be…

Other than in some 4-5 foot glassy waves somewhere.