Tsunami in the Mentawaïs

Just heard about that. Any news from guys there?

Last i heard before i went to bed there is a boat with 10 ozzies that hasn't been heard of. Could have changed now ( early morning ) ,but hope they're ok. And hopefully the sumatrans will be ok, and it won't cause too much damage.

Just found this on Surfaid’s site:

Mentawai Tsunami Appeal 2010

SurfAid International is launching and an emergency appeal in
response to the devastating tsunami that hit the Mentawai Islands, off
West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Reports of extensive damage and loss of
life continue to filter in and SurfAid is conducting search, assessment
and response operations.

We are coordinating with the Mentawai
District government, District Disaster Management (BPBD) and surf
charter boats.    NZAID has provided us with funds to undertake a rapid
assessment and initial response and are liaising with the office of the
Indonesian Vice President.

The Southern Cross with 8 passengers
and boat captain (all Australians) and one Japanese surf guide Akinori
who were reported missing since yesterday morning, were confirmed safe
and they are now heading to Sikakap to meet with a locally based 
emergency response team and other surfers. It’s a big relief for many
friends and relatives of everyone on board.

We are also working
with other charter boats in the islands and sending a plane out to
search and assess the damage today, with possibilities of sending out
first batch of basic supplies of tarpaulins, blankets, towels, water
container, floor mat, and ropes.

SurfAid staff are heading out at 5 am today for Pagai Utara to undertake the assessment but bad weather is hampering travel.

Charter boats Barrenjoey and Sibex are heading to the affected areas with emergency supplies.



macas resort is all broken....and a few surf boats got smashed.....i´m so sorry for the locals.......but maybe its karma....we never know