tufflight repair

I am changing fin systems on a tufflight board and I sanded through the outer coating. Does anyone know what that coating is? It doesn’t look like resin, it looks like maybe epoxy paint. Mahalo!

Well heres what I know about this. I paid attention when I talked with these guys but I forgot it already. The boards are molded blown with foam. Then it has a epoxy layer of resin or PVC or somthing. Like I said I forget. But when they are done they are super ugly boards. They don’t look real at all. So then they paint them and polish them. Thats why they look “Fake.” I don’t recommend changing those fins due to the way the board was built it may ruin the board or it may even make it magic.

step one: get sledgehammer step two: bash ‘surfboard’ with said sledge step three: repeat, until pieces no larger than 1x1 inch are remaining step four: dispose of properly. thank you.

Yes I would like to trash this board, but the guy also buys plenty of my boards which he like better. I already changed the fin system and I just have to do some paint touch ups I guess. Thanks

Although I don’t agree with the way Tuflite produce their boards in third world countries and so on ,I do repair them if asked. This sounds hypocritical and probably is ,but I cant stop people from buing them and dinging them. The paint used is a two pack eurathane I believe with a clear coat over it.I use automotive acrilic paint to cover repairs with a top coat clear to seal the paint. This will polish to a high gloss using convential methods.Hope this helps. David.