Tunnel fins

Here’s the first factory made tunnel fin from our underground tunnel fin manufacturing bunker in Z-land:

It’s only 2mm thick, an exact copy of the ‘Resolute Salmon’ fin:

Stoked, now all I have to do is send an email and tunnel fins come whizzing out !

Your literature states: “This vortex creates a very clean turbulence free wake behind the surfboard”

But your surfing photos show heaps of spray spewing out to the back and sides of your boards. So what’s up with your supposed “turbulence free wake”? “the faster (and more efficient)the board, the less the wake” ???

What are they made out of, are they plastic? fiberglass?


hey roy

kia ora

very nice

id like to try moulding a fin at some stage!!

i was thinking you were going to have an fcs tabbed version?


Your literature states: “This vortex creates a very clean turbulence free wake behind the surfboard”

But your surfing photos show heaps of spray spewing out to the back and sides of your boards. So what’s up with your supposed “turbulence free wake”? “the faster (and more efficient)the board, the less the wake” ???

Good point Bruce, I will amend the tunnelfin rave to say that “this vortex creates a clean low turbulence wake behind the surfboard”

As long as the surfboard hull is displacing water it will still throw some spray and create some turbulence, one of the effects of the tunnel is to reduce this by reducing the amount of water displaced by the surfboard.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes ! :slight_smile:


Hi Paul,

No F CS tabs, decided against them on the following grounds:

  1. The fin is so stable because of its shape that all those plugs and tabs are overkill, all that is needed is a few drops of epoxy, no glass rovings.

  2. Drag. Plugs equal drag, so no plugs. … . the fin is very low in drag and we wanted to keep it that way.

Hi Chris,

Some kind of white stuff


Hey TB.

Nice fin mate, glad to see things are going along well for you.

One thing I wanna mention, and I’m not having a stab, is just that I think the website for the fins could be done a bit better, more professional, if your serious about selling them.



Hi Lavz,

Yes I agree about the website needing to be more professional, but it probably isn’t going to happen, it’s just a kind of scrapbook really, but at least it’s straight from the source, we just play around with it and we get a few sales so it pays for itself, can’t really complain about that.

Our first batch is only 10 fins and two of them are mine (Yay no more endless tunnel sanding) so it’s not really big business or anything like that. Although it’s nice to make a few dollars (or rather recoup a few!) I was really keen to make some tunnels available as a bit of a service to the surfing community, hopefully a few keenos will get the tunnel bug. . . .although sometimes it feels like trying to sell round wheels to the Flintstones :wink:

If you have any specific suggestions re the site then fire away please, it’s all done with a ‘coolpage’ website gizmo, easy to use but not many bells and whistles.


Very smart man, get some for yourself first! I like it.

I’ll mess around a bit with some website stuff, give you a buzz soon.

I gotta get out to the surf for now, its probably the only winter swell we’re ever going to get here at the moment.




What are they made out of, are they plastic? fiberglass?


Hi Chris, they are fibreglass and polyester resin, sorry about my previous silly reply. Roy

how deep is the fin , please Roy ? (that’s an interesting finish …almost looks like porcelain !)

how wide is the base ,

and what size board do you recommend them on ?



Hi Ben,

The fin is just under three inches deep, 6 inches acrossways at the base and four inches fore and aft at the base. As for board size, we (my own groms) use them on boards down to 7 feet, and I know of a guy on the West Coast here who uses a tunnel on a 6 foot fish, but actually I was hoping that you would be telling me . … . I only know firsthand what I ride myself, which tunnelwise is boards down to 9 feet and up to 14’9" (so far).

3" deep , 4" base and 6" “wide” , yes ?

so they are only little fins …

do you stick them RIGHT near the tail , then …as a “back fin”, for an “inline single setup” , yeah ?

Or, can they ALSO be used as back thruster fins ? (like the fcs tabbed [squarish] tunnel fins [I believe wozzie Leith Holtzmann, the photog? made them , but I might be mistaken?])

cheers !


Hi Ben, they are pretty foolproof fins positioning wise, just park them close to closish behind your single, or in the thruster backfin position as with those square tunnels, far back is good, but its a matter of feel so no hard and fast rules regarding position (except that they should be centrally placed over trhe stringer1)

