Twin & a half.

Twin and a half:

That board is clearly looking back in the late 70’s early 80’s.

The guy wanted “sort of a fish but more shortboardlike”…

My shaper’s mind suddenly figured THE TWIN might be the solution for him.

I showed him pictures from Mark Richards boards and he fell in love with what he saw.

Then he asked me to go for a twin.

I’ll use the FCS MR-TFX twin set plus the trailer to go on that one.

Lob this is an outstanding job you’ve done on that surfboard! I own a Mark Richards Super twin and i’ve seen boards MR personally shaped, that board is good enough to be under the MR label. excellent shape. MR would be proud!

Nice Board LOB. What are the measures on it?



It’s a 5’10" x 20"1/2 x 2"6/8

that is a shape and a half alright. MAN that is awsome. i wouldn;t mind one of them in MY quiver !!

It seriously looks professional. one question though. how hard are the wings ?? it looks like they go stright down at a right angle then have started a new rail. i always thought they were bumps ??

nice board anyway. the dudes gonna be stoked.


Lob - just in the time I’ve been on Swaylocks, you’ve gone from a backyarder making a few for himself to a real pro. Your shapes would sell anywhere. Beautiful work, man.

lob: very clean lines there mate. you can tell just by looking at it that that board will fly.

a quick question, with what tool did you shape the wings? surform? block & paper?


one question though. how hard are the wings ?? it looks like they go stright down at a right angle then have started a new rail. i always thought they were bumps ??

Well, I’ve been wondering about how to manage winger.

And the best way to find an asnwer is to look at pictures from the boards you want to be close to.

Here is what I based my mind on:

and :

And also:

And some other pictures but surfresearch does not work right for me this morning.

As you can see, wings are reaaly steps seen from the bottom and they are smoother from top.

As the important thing is the bottom and as I felt like shaping an harder edge… then I did it. (nevermind the glasser ?)

From what I’ve seen, wings are shaped hard on twins like this one.

On a quad or a fish, you my just prefer to smooth them until they become bumps.

Wings and bumps are made to get a narrower tail and still a large board.

On a twin, you may like to have a more reactive and turning in a pocket board (see Bertelmann in the late 70’s early 80’s) and on a fish, you’ll like a more “in the flow” tail allowing you to remain smooth but tu turn a bit shorter.


Lob - just in the time I’ve been on Swaylocks, you’ve gone from a backyarder making a few for himself to a real pro. Your shapes would sell anywhere. Beautiful work, man.

Merci beaucoup.

I really try my best to shape clean lines and sexy boards.

I feel each one becoming better and better.

I spend more than 3 or 4 hours on each shape, taking mesurements, playing with lights, sharpening tools…


I do not want to go fast and produce hundereds. I just want to do right any board I shape.


lob: very clean lines there mate. you can tell just by looking at it that that board will fly.

a quick question, with what tool did you shape the wings? surform? block & paper?

Merci beaucoup again.

Here is the way I made them.

First I’ve cut the outline as clean as possible, with the wings.

Then, I shaped my bevels and rails like normal.

I turned the rails on the wing to nose part and let the wing to tip part almost alone.

I shaped the deck part of both parts together because they are one only part.

The, I used the sanding grid/screen (I don’t know the right english word for it) to shape the complete rail wing to tip and the a 120grit sanding paper to deal with tiny details around the wing break.

The finished board:


I like how you gave him the three plugged twin keel option , too !

great stuff ! […as is usual from you , Lob !]

 cheers / "salut ! " for sharing that with us , pote !


That board has been asked to be surfable with MR-TFX or Wood Keels from FCS…

You can also use the board as a thruster or tri fin, using the front two plugs…

lob: what a great glass job. full pro finish.

i like the plug setup. it ensures a very versatile board.

congratulations on a very beautiful surfboard.

WOW!!! Nice board!

sexy is the right word!!! great board!

and was Benny1 says is right too… I remember your thread for our 4th board the Lis fish because it inspired me to shape one myself (I am currently working on it). And now ther is this whole range of beautiful boards: even more inspirations! merci for sharing it…

A+ Zimmi


Life is sometimes fun, sometimes not.

You keep running after derams.

Mine were always focused on surfing and surfboards.

Shape after shapes, your skills improve and then you want to shape even more.

So, a few month ago, i decided I could become an official garage shaper.

In betwin, I shaped 27 boards…

Each one comes better…

And I realise I just climbed one step of many others.

Shaping is a fun and addictive thing.

Doing the best you can is the only goal.

Addicting habit is right, I started shaping when I was 13 and I am still at it 40 years later. Keep at it Great job

I’ll have to hold on a few more years then. :wink:

look this wingers…

Should wrap good to the wave…