Ive made a wing swallow twiny its 6’2x20 fairly rockered main fins are 5x5.5at 9.5 and have a dvs trailer fin I’m about to put plugs in for but not sure where it should go? Similar to a thruster trailer or further up?
Maybe add a picture. It will help people work out what you mean in your first post.
I googled thruster trailer just too see if i know what you mean. If i understand right from your question I would go with a further back setup IF the surfer isn’t a heavy backfoot rider.
It really depends on how you want the board to feel and who’s going to be riding it.
I say further back because it is what i would like to ride the most. Everybody’s different. On here there’s a user called Fins, and another one called ProBoxLarry. Both are a veritable handbook on fins. Both are some great dudes and im sure can help you. Also google around, there’s lots of articles on fin placement on here and all over the web.
Heres a great one from a webpage Surf Science that i have found very helpful.
Sorry i couldn’t give you a more definite answer. There’s so many factors that go into fin placement including your own preference I am not the right person to help you with your problem.
I hope I pointed you in the right direction
For your twin fins I would probably set them up 1 1/4" off rail maybe 10.5" - 11 1/4" up , and back fin three 1/4" -3 1/2"
Tow in if you imagine setting them strait w zero tow, from there tow in front of fins 3/16" , canted how you want them.
I’m thinking six deg or so?
My twin and trailer board has the sides at 11" and the trailer at 3". I did that so I’d have a bit of a thruster feel, and so there’s a tiny fin back there to give me something to feel when sliding the tail around, similar to skateboard wheels. The grip is there, but it’s really easy to break free. I have the futures T1 set on my board. The trailer seems to make quite a difference for frontside surfing.
Thanks the main fins are already in at 9.5 and it will get the fins free fairly easily. Really just after a bit more control once its overhead. I’ll go with 3in up.
If it’s a small trailer, about 3". Further up if it’s bigger, but no more than 3 1/2".
Thankyou off sunny coast next week so hopefully in and testing the following.
Hey mate, I had a small keel trailer, like 3" base by 2" high. Adds some centre “feel” but doesn’t stop the loosy goosy too much. On the backhand, they can be useful. For me the front side looseness wins out so I don’t use em anymore. Very handy in small sucky waves though.
Let us know how it goes.