Twinkle Toes OCCY

Warm the set and cool the tinnies fellas...

 Mark Occhilupo is on Aussie   Dancing with the Stars !!

 Early comments from him are that he has no balance and always lands in a tube riding stance !

I ask all Aussies to watch and see how a World Champ dances.


Please herd the kiddies and sensitive folk out of the room before you open the attached photo, its potentially disturbing !!!

when’s he on?

Dunno exactly but its on Channel 7 so check your TV guide to ensure quality viewing !!

 didja check the pic??

 OMG Im going to have nightmares about that image  !!!

ouble post..

...looks more like



"faces of 1970s porn stars' to me !


man , once we find out when occ is dancing , THAT'S getting VIDEO'D for sure !!



[let's just hope is partner is NOT Layne Beachley eh ? [or ken , either , for that matter !!]


 so occy's doin' it ...


   WHEN will Curren get on there , I wonder ??  [gotta keep the comp going eh guys !!]

So vote for the best dancing surfer..

Slater...dont think so

 Lopez, nah....

Greenough,,?  Maybe he'd be  all loose and break dancin' and stuff...,


how about the current crop of New Age Dudes..?

 Can you see Fitzen-franken-writer-hoffen-meyer 'cutting a rug' OLD SKOOL ?

 Machado- a - diddy- wah- a- doo- doo  ?

 Ive seen MIchael Peterson dancing in the  70's and I dont think that fluidity on the water relates to competency on the  dance floor.

" Ive seen MIchael Peterson dancing in the  70's and I dont think that fluidity on the water translates to competency on the  dance floor "


[ yep ...and heroin probably wouldn't have helped his co-ordination too much either , methinks !]

[UNREALITY T.V. ,  at its most awkward .....]


okay , here's my thinking .....


  for starters ??


the blokes ....


slater and pottz and  carroll and sunny .....


  what girl world champs could they pair up with , I wonder ?




  I'm thinking pauline menzcer and tommy gun carroll [and both from oz] are about the same height


  and maybe wendy botha and pottz  [south africa]


  slater and lisa anderson [florida]




 sunny and ? jodie cooper ?


 mick fanning and steph gilmore


shaun thomson-travolta and ? jericho poppler ??  ['my generation' programme  , redux]


rabbit bartholomew and ????


peter townend and ???


THIS would definately be the sort of ...ummmm ...."event"   that mags / rags like 'waves' or 'tracks' would video , i'm thinking .....

I remember Shaun Tomson wearing a white suit to the IPS functions ??

 Great suits, they had the mega wide"hang glider" lapels and looked like shiny satin or silk, lovely !

 And dont forget Layne Beachley, she shows up to to everything to keep her head in the spotlight.

Anyone remember the “Sarge’s Surf” video series? I remember (I think) Occy and a few of the “wild + crazy” pary Tour Crew  from early 90’s(?) in some bar on tour, dancing to some hack song…they were all singing and line dancing around the bar singing “push, push, in the bush, push, push, in the bush” not sure if that was the real lyrics but that’s how they were rocking it.

funny stuff when you tey to mix surfers with the world at large, I guess.

They cooked him in week one

occy for prime minister [australia’s president equivalent]