Twinzer conversion on straight single concave twinny

Thinking about converting a twinny into a twinzer but I’m unsure about how it will work. Its a 5’11" wing swallow twin fin with a striaght single concave. There is no vee, and no double. What do you all think? Will the twinzers work with the straight single?


if in doubt , do it , find out , and share your results , please ?



  will you put in futures , fcs , or glass on the twinzer fins ?


  I ask , cos if you went with fcs or probox [?] , I’d be able to send you some little front fins ?


  …just a thought , mate …





Was most likely thinking fcs. that way i can play around with more options for the fronts. I think I’m gonna give it a go!



good on ya !


    please post photos [and a ride report?] , when done , eh ?


  cheers !



Hey Fins, 

Still working on the conversion, But I was wondering about some little front fins! Im definitely looking for some as i have two other twinzers! any way you can PM me about them?
